So, today, the dog vomited in my truck. Twice. And, lucky me, it wasnt grass. She vomited up turds. Already turded out, reingested turds. I could've vomited myself. When you have 3 dogs running around in your truck, your window options are fairly limited, especially if you fear that a dog or 2 might leap out. So, I cracked the windows, cranked up the air and held my breath in 20 second intervals. GAG a freaking maggot!.. In the process of blocking out the smell, I must've blocked out everything becasue she ate the vomit before we arrived at our destination. So, if she pukes again...I cant even imagine. *shudder*.
On Monday we're having our 4th of July party. Im super excited, but super nervous. Ive never had a party before so Im mostly concerned about entertainment. Nervous!
Tuesday, John has an ultrasound. He was misdiagnosed and we're taking steps for repairing the issue. Hes facing some surgery, but hopefully not super complicated surgery! Im already nervous for him. Thats us in a nutshell!