Last night we took the pups in, got everyone shaved & measured, and she docked them. She did a fabulous job, and it was the most bloodless group of tails Ive ever seen (sorry, kinda gross, but they bleed alot as babies, it just clots faster, I was told its called "fetal blood", and its a safety mechanism) The tails look fabulous, the puppies were happy about 2 seconds after the last suture, and everyone went away content. It DID take 2 hours..but Im so glad she was willing to do it! (Especially since the fabulous Dr E was a chicken about the whole thing,and politely maintained his refusal or avoidance of the whole subject,lol) Anyway, Im happy! Yay!
We had a CE for work yesterday, that Wifey and I attended, and I tell ya..There was ALOT of information there, but I could hardly keep my eyes open. The lack of sleep rapidly caught up with me, and there were a couple gigglig incidents from my wifey neighbor that had me concered that I had let out a snore.. I tried to convince her to put a pen in my eye to hold my lids up, but she was very non-commital on this. However, I made it through and even took some good information home.
Oh, and the day wouldnt be complete without some sort of dog disaster. I was cooking dinner last night, in preperation for taking the puppies in, and I look outside at the dogs. Angus is standing on the porch hunched up, looking mighty painful. I tapped the glass and he swung around JUST enough for me to see he had penal prolapse. So, I freaked out. Usually, Ive seen this with chihuahua's who are packing penis' the SIZE of Angus', but I havent seen it so much in big dogs. It usually isnt all that fun either, an incision has to be made in the sheath, and the penis is returned to inside land where it belongs. I wasnt sure that I could EMOTIONALLY or FINANCIALLY handle yet another procedure, or bill, or anesthesia on Angus. So, I called work. I was advised to put sugar on it.. LOL. So, in the midst of me cooking, we laid angus down, slathered him in mineral oil, and then poured sugar on like we were making candy. A few minutes later, VOILA. Penis disappeared. YAY! Angus was fairly certain this was horrible, and spent several minutes staring at the area, trying to decide if mineral oil & sugar were edible. Quite disgusting. So, he got a free car ride too, and had to be flushed out really well to prevent a sugary infection. Yuck!
At any rate, going to lunch today with Dr. E & wifey...I tried to convince them to go to Donovan's but they seem a little unsure... LOL
So, I tried to upload some pics of the puppy tails but the pic uploader isnt working... I'll try again lter.. Peace out for now homies! -k
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