Monday, December 13, 2010

A pretty cool cat err..goat!

I always get sooo excited when I heart faces does a pet theme!! I love taking pictures, but I REALLY love photographing my animals. I dont think this picture is going to win any awards, but it makes MY day better to see it, and I definitely need a dose of better day.

This is my goat, Maybel. She is a nearly 2 year old Saanen doe.

(doe, a goat, a female goat..)

Our plan for Maybel was to enjoy some quality goat milk. What I didnt realize when I excitedly picked her out was goat season is the spring, and when you get a goat in the summer that doesnt have any milk, it wont miraculously DEVELOP milk. I was saddened by this, so we spent our free non-goat-milking time bonding with sweet Maybel. As an extra fun thing, shes very tolerant of what we dress her in, and she CRACKS me up when she wears sunglasses. My husband has to hold them on her head, because, well, her ears are sorta weird (no offense to anyone with weird ears), but she totally doesnt mind! ADORABLE! And makes just about anyone smile :) Enjoy! And, since this week is the pets week over at I heart faces, head on over to their blog and check out some pretty amazing photographs!!


  1. haha, that's certianly one of a kind!

  2. Totally cracked me up! And I love the story behind it!

  3. Loved the story and the image - so cute!

  4. awesome stuff! we have 2 pygmies and i love taking pix of them, too.never tried the sunglasses. i'll have to show my daughter when she wakes up :). cool shot!
