Thursday, June 17, 2010


No weight loss. Although, when I actually did the math, im at 11lbs, not 10. Which is wonderful. I hate that my weighed stayed static but it might have something to do with the poptart i ate yesterday, i cant rightly say.

Oh well, tomorrow's a new day. My goal is 60lbs by the end of July. Im interested to see where I'll end up :)


  1. You'll get days or even weeks where things won't change much or at all. And you'll get some days/weeks with a small increase. My suggestion are to watch your sodium intake and make sure you get a lot of water a day.


  2. sallylouwhoflewthroughwithturkeysJune 17, 2010 at 1:28 PM

    Love the poptarts in itty bitty font. You are excelling in your goal. Keep it up!
