Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Early morning sightings..

So, Monday morning when I was headed home from work (around 6:40am), after working all freaking night, I was exhausted. And slightly retarded. I turned onto my road, and saw a pair of dogs sitting there, off to the side. These dogs are constantly around, and ive grown as attached as a passerby can be to the cute little creatures (its a condition I suffer from - I care about all dogs, regardless if they are mine)
Anyway, as I drive by, it looks like one dog has been hit by a car and killed, and the other is hosting vigil by his side. I was saddened by this, so I planned to confirm it, then tell the owners. I turned around, started driving back by, but as I got close, a car came up behind me, and I had to continue on. All I confirmed was that the white dog was sitting beside his dead brown friend. I did another U-turn and came back. When I approached, all was clear behind me, so I rolled my window down (its still dark, mind you), and slowed to a halt in front of this sad dog and his dead friend. Tears are filling my eyes, at this point, just thinking how sad mr white dog must be that his brown dog friend has been killed. Once my eyes focus, I realize that Mr White dog is in fact sitting there...but hes EATING a dead DEER, not mourning the loss of brown dog friend. I was so disgusted I yelled at him, and sped off.


  1. i was getting sad just reading about the little dogs....then gross-o-la!! poor deer!

  2. hahahahahaha i'd have payed good money to see this go down!

  3. sallylouwhoflewthroughwithturkeysMay 29, 2011 at 11:15 AM

    bahahahahaaaa....Oh how well I remember the retardedness of working crazy hours!
