Thursday, February 25, 2010

Baby Georgia is here!!

She arrived on Tuesday, Feb 23 @11:(something) in the evening. I had been coaching her momma to have her on a Tuesday, and Im so happy she complied! Georgia is ADORABLE :) I am in love. ♥

Other news, John & I are being referred to a reproduction specialist in Charlotte. Our first appt is on Tuesday. Our appt on Friday with Johns regular doctor yielded basically nothing except frustration. That man has a death wish. Or atleast, I have to ASSUME he has a death wish since he walked in and nonchalantly informed us that nothing could be done to correct the semen analysis issues. When he thought I had a shank and was planning to gut him, he called the "urologist friend" he had kept up his sleeve and did a few bloodwork things and advised us to start Proxeed (Kudos honey cause Proxeed smelled like it should've been spelled 'Analeed'. DISGUSTING, you took it like a champ). We're now sorting through the bloodwork results. My thyroid was also NOT enlarged at our 2nd appt (after id lost 16lbs) and my bloodwork came back completely normal. That is, when they bothered to run the complete tests and not a pregnancy test. We're switching family doctors. John might or might not know this yet, but we are. Anyway, good stuff, and lots of fun things on the horizon.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Special drs...

No, not specialIST, just special drs. On Saturday, I got a letter in the mail from our drs office saying "NOT PREGNANT". Gee, Thanks, I figured that one out on my own 2 days ago (by this, I mean 2 days before the appt). Anyway, i called to get the rest of my lab results and turns out, they completely dropped the ball and didnt run the adult wellness panel, or the thyroid panel, ONLY A FREAKING PREGNANCY TEST!!! Are you kidding me, people? We didnt even discuss a pregnancy test. So annoyed! Im switching doctors. This place is too personal, too quaint and toooooo special. We will go to John's appt on Friday, then, we're outtta there!

On a positive note, my chickens are laying lots of eggs! Im sooo excited! Seems like only yesterday I was peeping at their little shells to encourage them to come out! We've had 1-2 eggs/day since Thursday. Today, we had FIVE. Almost a dozen eggs since Thursday. Crazy! Now, if I can just bring myself to eat them! lol

Friday, February 12, 2010

Would you like to come over for lunch?

Cause we're enjoying our nice, fat, shit sandwiches. Thats right, I said shit sandwich. Can I say that? Of COURSE I can, its MY blog! What IS a shit sandwich, you might ask? Well, Ill tell you. A doctor I used to work with would say that she reserved that term for really especially bad occasions. Occasions that knock the wind out of your sails, jerk the rug out from under you and sucker punch you in the gut. Sometimes only one colloquialism is involved, sometimes all three. For this occasion, lets say we've had all 3.

Its all fun and games Monday. Tuesday morning, we get turd #1. My doctor calls to inform me of the semen analysis. Lets just say that our team wont be winning any gold medals. Not even silver. Oh, and whats it look like? No blue ribbons, either. Thats right, wonky on both ends. Trying to bury that turd, we think of how things can improve that situation, herbs and medications. Also, we try and focus on our upcoming home visit with the foster system. Its a sign, we say. If we hadnt had issues getting pregnant, we wouldnt be here, after all. Clearly, they need us. Clearly.

Speed on to Wednesday. Home visit goes off without a hitch. Angus is a perfect angel, shows all his best manners, she says she isnt traumatized, gives us lots of paperwork to complete, asks for it ASAP.

Thursday morning, I speak to her in regards to our license. She tells me that I need to bring all our paperwork in and we should be licensed by mid-March (small giggle) and maybe getting our first kid!. Im stoked. I leave early for work in order to take all our papers there. Im leaving the DSS office and my phone buzzes saying I have a new voicemail. She called while I was inside. I return her call. Bad news she says. Here comes turd #2. She spoke with the state. There is no way they can license us because 1)we have electric around the top of our fence. 2)we have too many dogs (I literally asked this woman atleast 10 times about the NUMBER and the TYPE, she assured NO PROBLEMS!) and 3)Angus could knock a baby down and harm it. Right, but so could, oh, idk a rock, a couch, a chair leg, a shoe, a cabinet door, a toy, ANYTHING. Really people? That is part of being a PARENT, you SUPERVISE. So, my feelings are hurt. Really hurt. My hopes were up, finally. I had blocked this out for so many months now, not getting involved, unsure of what we wanted to do. When I committed, I committed my heart. Thanks for ripping it up. 6 months ago, when we first started inquiring, some stupid person should've done a LITTLE TINY BIT MORE RESEARCH before assuring me over and over again that the dogs would NOT create a problem. Im really angry. And now, where IS the silver lining? Maybe we're just supposed to have dogs?? Who knows. I sure do wish someone would come over here and share our sandwich with us, because I tell ya, im STUFFED and ready to VOMIT. K?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Not Me monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This Not Me! Monday! is going to focus on my Monday morning - Its possible that you could be traumatized. Its regarding sperm, so read on cautiously.

I'll give you a few lines to make up your mind....

OK, you've committed: This morning, we did not get up and go get our fingerprints taken care of for Foster care.

We did not manage to get all of our trash taken to the dump, no, that would be way tooo successful.

We did not figure out how much a semen analysis would cost us in order to get one done today. We then did not create a time sensitive sample in order to take to the lab.

Realizing that we need the sample there, in 40 minutes or less (and we live 40 minutes from the lab), I did not then FLY out of the driveway and get 2 miles down the road to only realize I didnt have the prescription. The precious sample did have to remain warm, so I did not use my cleavage. Nope, I for sure didnt. After flying at 80 MPH back to my driveway, sliding in through the gravel and slamming to a halt, racing inside, grabbing the prescription and taking the dog so off guard he couldnt even bark, I was on my way again. About 20 minutes into THE JOURNEY, I realized I had NO gas and the sample would go bad if I ran out. Dropped into a quick gas station to get ten bucks. I then did not proceed to pump gas with the precious sample in my not cleavage, either. I live in a friendly state. People want to chat. Southern ladies do NOT say (I actually DO mean that, I did not say it) the F bomb to complete strangers, so I had to politely decline to engage, all the while shielding the children from the cold air blasting them on one side. I looked less than friendly, and weird, shielding my boobs even though Im wearing a sweater.. although I was definitely sporting the 'cat got the creme' grin cause I was so amused with myself.

Side note: WHen I told my mom where I was keeping the sample, she did not screech "AAAHHh WHY DO YOU HAVE IT SO CLOSE TO YOUR FACE!"

Anyway, at 41 minutes, I race inside to get the sample to the people IMMEDIATELY. Lady was in SLLOOOOoOWWWW motion. I was anxious. I did not speak very rapidly at this woman in an attempt to get HER to speed up. I did not fill out my paperwork at lighting speed and shove it into her hand. (Dear lady, I hope you didnt get a papercut,sorry) When the sample collector arrived, I did not tell her that I was so nervous I nearly had a STROKE. Stroke? Really? Im dropping off an effin semen sample. STROKE?? I did not blush. Really. Much.

I explained that I was nervous due to the time constraints. They both laughed and then said, serious as can be, well honey, he could've just done it in the parking lot... LOL Seriously? OMG!

So, anyway, I made it in, just under the wire...while using my underwire(giggle). Looked lovingly at the sample and told them to take good care of em.

So glad we got that taken care of! Sorry honey, for telling this story, but I was so amused!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Story Share!

OK, so I think once a week, im gonna start sharing a story about something funny or traumatic thats happened me. Since we've just passed our 2 year anniversary of moving back to NC, Im inspired to share a story about our move. This ones gonna be lengthy...the entire trip was traumatizing.

So, our plan was to leave Denver on Feb 1 in order to be here before our litter of puppies was due (feb 10) and before I started my new job. We had 2 vehicles to bring (a bronco and a ford truck) that we drove daily, as well as our 'bread' truck, or box truck as John would constantly correct me. The bread truck topped out at 55 miles an hour. (get that? FIFTY FIVE MPH for 1500 miles) Kasey, John's good friend, and Kara, a friend of mine, both agreed to help us drive vehicles to NC. (Kasey flew out, Kara flew back). In hindsight, we probably should'nt have chosen winter, but our home was in foreclosure and we had to be out before March. Anyway, we set out about mid-day, planning to drive as far as our eyes would allow us then sleep. Initially, I was travelling with John in the bread truck, in a computer chair lassoed to the back of the cab of the bread truck. Each turn and I rolled around inside the chair, inside the confines of the seat belt John used to tie the chair to the truck. We created a cat cage inside the truck, in the overhead compartment, so all of our naked cats and hairy cats were inside the truck with is. Yes folks, that means cat turds over your head. Anyway, it rained. Not just a little, but alot. Kara was driving John's truck and Kasey was driving my Bronco. We used the CB radios for communication. Just before Kansas, Kara said she was scared to continue driving (with its 10,000lb full of trailer, bikes, 4wheelers strapped behind her). We stopped and I started driving the truck (since I was going to puke if I had to slide around in that chair much longer!) Getting onto the on ramp, John was going slowly (as it had now switched to snow) and I nearly rear ended him because the brakes werent working. I broadcasted this and the boys acted like Id lost my mind. Anyway, we didnt make it much furthur that night due to the intense snow. We stopped somewhere in kansas to sleep and had to sneak the naked creatures and the heavily pregnant Tate inside in the warm. The other 5 dogs just dog piled in the front seat of the bronco to stay warm. Tate took a massive poop inside the hotel room (hows THAT for inconspicuos?) pretty much immediately, which sent kasey into gagging fits. Not to be outdone, all of the naked cats instantly had to poop as well *luckily, they confined it to a litterbox*. Next morning, we set out again. I still thought the brakes were a little smooshy, but nobody believed me.

We had to stop and get gas every 150 miles - Oh, did I forget to mention that the breadtruck ALSO did not have a working gas guage? Yep, thats right, it was a guess, so we had to keep stopping. Longest. Trip. Of. My. Life. Somewhere along the way, CB communication broke down. My CB would talk to Kasey, Kasey and John could talk to everyone, but John could NOT hear me - not in entirety, he'd either get just voice clips or nothing at all. Kasey spent alot of time translating until he got tired of that.. Anyway, after several nearly misguided accidents where kasey was advising John to merge into traffic (St. Louis & Nashville) and singing our fool heads off over the CB while we were falling asleep (which was interesting trying to sing a verse and getting someone else to finish - John was constantly lost if the verse was up to me), we made it to NC. We were moving to Asheville NC (more specifically, Marshall). That meant a treacherous snake like winding road. We started our decent from the mountains down into the town of Marshall. We're driving and I mention my brakes are squishy. John cant hear, he's not concerned, Kasey thinks im full of crap. Nope, pretty sure brakes are squishy and getting worse. We're going 20 mph down this hill, brakes in check, fairly certain they arent really working. Then, the truck starts getting hot. I need to coast but cant. Put it in neutral, Kasey yells at me...John is still getting snippets. Finally, we round this turn and yep, I have no brakes. Thinking that if I scream, John can hear me, I start screaming that I have no brakes. Kasey still thinks Im pulling his leg (im such a joker, apparently, I would kid about this) but John is picking up on the panic in my voice and can hear Kasey's end of the conversation. He starts advising me blindly and slowing down. Basically, Id push the brakes, nothing would happen. NOTHING. (Oh, except that I would scream and express my anal glands a little bit) His plan was to stop his truck using the bread truck, but ALL I could envision is the grief his messed up truck would cause me in the future. Im trying to out maneuver John since Kasey isnt communicating between us anymore very well. Anyway, round a few more really awkward bends and lo and behold, a runaway truck ramp. I made a snap decision and plowed into it. Good times. Bounce and rattle our way to a stop. Then, the truck starts smoking (actually the brakes) and Kara thinks we're on fire. Its clearly every man for himself cause she bails out and takes off running like SHE is on fire. From all the anxiety, I couldnt stop laughing. Finally the guys made it back and turns out, then they believe me. Isnt that funny? Id been telling em for 1450 miles that the brakes were bad, but NOOOO...I have to hit a runaway truck ramp first. So, Naturally, the final decision is to leave Kara and I on the side of the road while they go to rental house, drop off bread truck and come back to get us. So, kara and I sat on the side of the road for the better part of 2 hours waiting...and waiting...and waiting.... We finally get settled at the house... We wake up at to tate having puppies 6 days early... Ahh...Good times!! And thats my story :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Did I shave my legs for this??

OK, so the big dr appt has come and gone. GOod times. I shaved my legs for my impending 'feel up' only to find out that I didnt get felt up! Apparently, no pain, no....gain? If you have no pain during your month, you dont have to be checked for cysts. Since I was pain free (mostly just suffered from the occasional pain in my nobody had to violate me. The doctor was fairly amused that I danced in glee in the hallway and exclaimed "you dont have to feel me up? SWEET!" and she felt compelled to smack me. Anyway, my progesterone level was 18 this time. Last time, you might remember, it was 14 (almost 15). She feels positive that its higher, doesnt want to change my dose and wants me to continue taking it. I sorta solved my diet problem too. I asked her if its possible to take the HCG at the same time as the Clomid and she says yes. As long as Im monitoring my cycles and making sure im not taking HCG and pregnant, she's ok with it! So, I'll be starting back on HCG as soon as I get my visit from Aunt Flo and we'll go from there. I feel like I again am probably not pregnant. I cant be sure for a couple more days, but my guts are telling me that im not. My boobs are SUPER painful, but the guts are too, so probably not a lot of hope. Oh well, we'll try again next month if not :)

Additionally, our home visit is next week. Something just clicked and my anxiety is gone. I was so caught up in what they would think of the house and us and would we be good enough that I couldnt commit. Suddenly, its over. I think we keep a fairly clean house, we're obviously well fed and so are our animals, so they'll either dig us and we'll get a kid, or we wont. I want to help, but we also cant change who WE are to do it or there will be no joy or pleasure. So, thats the scoop :) See ya soon!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Not too much info...

But, IM heading to the dr to get my blood drawn. Today, they will just pull for a progesterone to see how effective this months medication was. Tomorrow, I get to get felt up for only $25! Such a deal! Thats when she'll tell me about cysts on my ovaries...(if there are any) Weird, I know. Not telling me anything new. AND she always wants to chat with me while im pantsless... We're gonna have to work on that. Although, I imagine that is one way to keep people concise. Rambling and telling needless information is probably not an issue with someone who has no brithces. Im sure this is really why she does it. Anyway, bon voyage for now!