Friday, February 27, 2009

Many random things... (lots of pictures)

OK, so its been a few days since Ive posted..and Ive got a few random thoughts... On Tuesday night, Husband finally finished the fan.. I came into the room to find him staring at the fan, while standing on the bed, with a very perplexed look...Then, he started rambling to himself, and within 20 minutes, had it all figured out! I was so happy! It looks fabulous...
Wednesday, I invited myself to go hiking with Dad... I thought the idea sounded like alot of fun, but I probably havent hiked 14 steps since I was 11. Within the first 10 minutes, I was completely positive that death was around the next turn. Not to mention there was snow on the ground and I wore tennis shoes! Dad was a great sport about it though, and stopped to call turkeys when he could tell I was lagging... All in all, I made it alright and got some really neat pictures! (including what could be the perfect hawk picture, atleast to date) Plus, I might even do it again!


Dad, Posing in the snow :)
Fox tracks..See how straight? They walk all 4 feet in one spot

Thursday, I went to let the dogs out around lunch time, and found Rana laying on her side and screaming in agony. She couldnt rise, and her eyes were petrified. I thought she'd been attacked, or injured while playing. My adrenaline was pumping, so I carried her, very similar to a football, up to the house.. I checked her over, and it was definitely her back... I was completely panicking, and after consulting wifey & the good dr E, I just got dressed and went into work... the neurologist looked at her, and diagnosed her with Disco Spondylitis.. Apparently a strange infection caused by a bladder infection that goes systemic. She started on anitbiotics and pain meds yesterday, and has a guarded prognosis through Monday... We are very worried about Rana!!

In the midst of checking Rana over, I checked on the other dogs, and I see a plethora of stuffed animals in the yard, and Ruckus running around with a stuffed garfield.. Come to find out, the basement door was open and they had helped themselves to a few toys... Luckily, Dan didnt help himself to any cat meat while they were down there! (cause he definitely kills cats!)

So yesterday was ALOT of fun... At any rate, its been a BUSY week... Monday is the endocrinologist...I'll update again after that! :) In the meantime, some random puppy pictures... Tate is ready to POP!

Vicious killers always wedge their faces into small spaces...prevents them from killing themselves while sleeping...

Monday, February 23, 2009


So, I took Tate into work this weekend to see if we could POSSIBLY guess how many cute little puppies we were expecting... Unfortunately, the xray only showed 2 spines and about 40 legs...Im SINCERELY hoping that doesnt indicate that there are only 2 puppies with 20 legs each :) It does tell us that we're only about 40 days along... So still approx 20 days to go and she's already gained 10 pounds!!!

Update on the fan - Its STILL hanging there, not hooked up, looming over our bed like a scary electric shock device...Maybe SOON!

I recently was able to take a couple PERFECT VULTURE pictures, so I can strike those off my "to capture" list...

Ok, So I realize those arent PERFECT, but they're vultures, for crying out loud!!

Sad weekend at work, lots of death... Always hard.. Off to enjoy some time with Husband & my wifey :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

How to make your wife HOT 101

OK, so I got the bright idea that husband could install the fan over our bed tonight.. There is already a fan there, and its some old brass fan (note: hideous)so about 6 months ago, we bought this fantastic white five blade fan to go in its place. SIX MONTHS is a LONG time and it was finally time to put it in...
This initially started off like any other fan installation project..except its over the bed.. So I decide I'd watch while snuggling up on the pillows... Watching quickly turned into sleeping, while listening to his mumblings about the fan... I was in and out of consciousness enough to know that there was some sort of issue with the wiring. I know that he initially tried to resolve it with the light bulb but then had to move on to using the multi-meter... This is where I slipped off completely... Then, next thing I know, there is a loud POP, accompanied by husband hollering, and my chest is burning.. Turns out, husband was turning away, and some sort of wires crossed and showered me in sparks... Burnt several holes in my gown...and was just hot enough to make my skin red (no burns, thankfully). He did some sort of army run (ya know, like running through sand...) off the bed, to protect me himself, any by then my sparks had gone out... Does this mean we've lost our spark!?

On another note - only 2 more weeks until I see the endocrinologist! Cant wait to see what he tells me!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Survey about Husband

1. Where did you meet? In high school. We shared gym class together, and we were fellow "non dresser outers". He failed, I didnt. We participated exactly the same, only I was a smart mouth to the teacher (He has his own theory on that one) :)

2. How long did you date before you got married? 3 years and some change.

3. How long have you been married? 5 years in march

4. What does he do that surprises you? Uhh? Surprise in a good way? IDK

5. What is your favorite feature of his? his hands or arms

6. What is your favorite quality of his? his dedication

7. Does he have a nickname for you? babe

8. What is his favorite color? lol he doesnt even know

9. What is his favorite food? idk, he eats alot of goulash

10. What is his favorite sport? racing

11. When and where was your first kiss? Our first "real" kiss was at mike & daniels house, in lewisville. I was already pretty smitten with John but he was sooo shy... i'll never forget that he walked up in front of everyone and just kissed me.. I was completely at a loss for words -and THAT is difficult to achieve...

12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? drive, probably

13. Do you have any children? only furry ones for now

14. Does he have a hidden talent? He is a man of many talents, but if he has a hidden talent, i still havent seen it lol.

15. How old is he? 25

16. Who said I love you first? me. In a valentines card.

17. What’s his favorite type of music? idk really...he listens to the AM talk stations more than anything..

18. What do you admire most about him? His ability to be.

19. Do you think he will read this? lol no, he'll squint his eyes and say "whats all that say"

20. He’s sitting in front of the TV: watching racing or a talk show (nascar related)

21. You’re out to eat. What kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Ranch

22. What is one food he doesn’t like? pears

23. You go out to the bar. What does he order? bud light or coors

24. Where did he go to high school? west forsyth

25. What size shoe does he wear? 15

26. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? little toy, matchbox cars

27. What is his favorite type of sandwich? pimento cheese probably

28. What would the Husband eat every day if he could? waffles

29. What is his favorite cereal? any cereal, he loves cereal

30. What would he never wear? anything that is pink (im gonna leave this one, i agree)

31. What is his favorite sports team? doesnt care about sports

32. Who is his best friend? Kasey

33. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do? freak out over things

34. How many states has he lived in? 2 - NC & Colorado

35. What is his heritage? He doesnt really know, his mother is adopted

36. You bake him a cake for his birthday; chocolate

37. Did he play sports in high school? lol no

38. What could he spend hours doing? zooming around his matchbox cars

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The kitchen table

So, about a year ago(perhaps longer, time is a blur), father redid their kitchen table and it looked absolutely fabulous... I fell in love... I asked him to make US a kitchen table (since we only own knees and arm rests) and he agreed... Husband FINALLY decided to take the time was able to pick the table up last night, and Im even MORE in love with OUR table! Its FANTASTIC!! It makes me so happy, my heart could burst (or maybe thats a disorder, but anyway). Its shiny and smooth and absolutey lovely. And most important, even if it wasnt beautiful, and even if it had mismatched legs, and discolored paint or holes in the wood, my dad made it for ME. That means more than I can even put into words. So, without furthur ado, here is my OUR kitchen table! --

(The chairs are not hand made, we bought them from Linens & Things right before they went out of business... Got em for $20 each!! )
And, Dad, if you read this, I love you!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lions & Tigers & Binturons, OH MY

So, yesterday, Wifey (not LITERALLY my wife, peeps!) & I went to volunteer at the carnivore conservators center, in Mebane NC... I was extremely intimidated by the thought of this, but had my arm twisted until I agreed...

When we first turned off the main road, there was this gorgeous lake and a blue heron flew in front of us and landed by the lakeside.. I managed to capture several "perfect blue heron" pictures before we had to drive away.

Then, we turned off the road into this non-descript gravel driveway, where we had to capture a picture in case we were never heard from again. We continue down this gravel drive, and come up on this green fencing... Inside the fencing, you can actually SEE the lions! It was CRAZY!!

So we went up and met the people, and Janine, who would be our instructor for the days adventures. I am happy to say that we arrived BEFORE Molly, who is an intern that helps. So, Wifey and I got to first feed the Chausies (read between the lines here:B-O-R-I-N-G) and I was slightly concerned that we'd only get to help with the "tame" animals. Then we got to hand feed some servals, which was definitely deserving of respect...and then I gave the lynx some chicken..Here he was, lounging on the side of his enclosure, looking all demure and sweet, and I reach out (while speaking in a cute kitty voice) to hand him his chicken, and it hissed at me (exposing close to 1000 green canine looking teeth), causing me to immediately express my anal glands. I bet I jumped 3 feet.

So, speed through, we fed some singing dogs (one did a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner) and some wolves, cleaned up some tiger poop and maggoty chicken (actually, wifey got the maggoty chicken) fed them some more chickens and broke for lunch....


Before we went into the place, we decided we'd stop at Sonic and grab some food for lunch time. Both of us got some variety of grilled chicken. We also saw something very strange on the sonic drive thur window... Anybody know what it is??

After dealing with disgusting chickens, we both were completely traumatized with the slimy grilled chicken inside our Sonic food...Little did WE know that the worst was yet to come...
Ok, so after lunch, we head back to the field kitchen, and Janine tells us that her and Molly would be travelling on a chicken run for tomorrows chickens, and would WE mind chopping 40 chickens up... No, of course not, wifey tells her! Ok, so we have to check bin after bin of chicken butt looking for green buttholes (green means bad), once we've accomplished this, she says OK, now you can chop em up. First cut off their legs, then their wings about "here" and then if their heads are discolored, chop those off too.. She gives us a variety of axes and sends us on our way... Let me just tell first, we both were completely traumatized, but pretty soon, we were laughing hysterically (and probably a little manically as well) at the poor chickens... until wifey got some chicken gut on her arm... I almost peed myself..her face..priceless. Then we got to take our 40 chickens and feed em to the LIONS!! At this point, Wifey was so enraptured I had to almost drag her along...and there were 5 lions in this one enclosure, which was about 3 feet from the Tigers enclosure.. Apprently, the lion brothers pick on him or somethin cause the tiger was trying to eat the lions (except, it looked alot like he was trying to eat US and it was extremely scary)...

Then, cause im retarded, my chicken got stuck on the top of the lion enclosure and the lion nearly climbed the fence... I almost vomited... I was convinced that I would be the reason the lion escaped...and I was very glad to have done surgery with the surgeon on sunday (after doing THAT, you can wrestle a lion, no problems) so that I might capture him. Its kinda vague but im pretty sure the whole time Im panicking, wifey is saying very calming things to me... Its most of the reason I keep her around :) So I threw the 2nd chicken to distract him and THAT chicken almost lands in the SAME spot... I think wifey almost vomited that time, and I had my eyes squeezed shut... ive never been so happy to hear a dead chicken hit the ground in my entire life...
Then, after I embarrassed us, and tried to get the lion to escape, we were finished... Except wifey got to hand feed a tiger... (If MOLLY could do it, so could she! only I had to convince her to NOT try it with her mouth)... We played with the serval babies (do you imagine little squirmy kittens when i say this? Cause I sure was) for a while and headed home... Ate some dinner (chicken, mind you) and then i PASSED out... All in a days work :)

The squirmy little serval babies!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Not me Monday!

OK, another blog that I love does "Not me Monday". I am, unfortuantely, finding it extremely difficult to read what I need to do to have the same format as hers. So, im making my own. But please check out "" for her not me monday. Anyway, here is mine!

I actually havent done much that I wouldnt claim.. Does that mean I have no shame? LOL

This week, while at work, I did not flatulate in the Dr's area to silently walk away and leave the smell (and laugh for a long time). I did not leave a bunch of towels on the bottom of a cart since the laundry basket was missing. I did not attempt to avoid surgery all day long. I did not freak out when I found out I would be doing surgery with the surgeon, nope, NOT I, I am always calm and collected and definitely NOT intimidated by her. I did not then proceed to SUCCEED and supply her with her every whim in a matter of seconds. I did not then throw a fit and demand that someone ELSE get the poor puppy ready since I was obviously cleaning up surgery alone (and had been a LITTLE STRESSED OUT!!)

While at home, I did NOT use work pants to clean up pee from the vicious killer puppy. Nope, I would never do such a thing, even if i WAS on the way to laundry. I did NOT supply husband and myself with a breakfast of cookies (chocolate chip) one morning, and corn dogs the next. I did not decide that if I got pregnant now, they'd just have to treat me now, and then, I did NOT attempt to get husband to help me with that. I did not take a swig of milk today from a gallon that is out by 5 days... That would be disgusting. I did not leave the basement door open today in an attempt to entice the cat to run away... Nope, Not me! That would be very irresponsible! I did NOT get a new puppy, bringing our total up to 10! Even if she IS cute, I did NOT take her home!!

Man, I sure hope I can do more next week!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Puppies are coming!!

Yay! Finally! We havent had a litter of puppies in over a year now..and we're looking very forward to our upcoming arrivals. According to ultrasound, we're tentatively saying there are 6 puppies... So, around late march, we should be getting little bundles of furry joy! So exciting!

We moved Tate inside the other day, so that she isnt exposed to the cold so much, as well as the rough housing of her siblings. I'm afraid the constant battering will injure the growing pups. Initially, I planned to let her sleep with us, but I woke up at 5 am to this very strange swishing sound... it was repetitive, and when I woke up enough to realize Tate was gone, I put it all together... I quietly snuck down the hallway, in a mostly sleepy haze (and probably ot so quiet, either) and found tate shoulder deep in the trash can... I yelled, she jumped out and was wearing a slew of Food lion bags around her neck (hence, the swishing) I beat her with a croc (love the crocs!) and put her in the kennel with Ruckus... The next morning, John started cracking up (he slept through the ENTIRE ordeal, btw) because Tate was wearing a cape ...a very stretched out grocery bag... Couple that with Ruckus' ecollar, and its like the Clampetts go Pointer...

We had to culture Ruckus' foot to see what kind of bacteria was growing under his wound, and we're still waiting on it to come back. Hopefully the antibiotics he's on will knock it out and he wont have problems with that leg... That would be really akward to try and show a 3 legged dog... Not to mention he wouldnt be able to run, or climb fences, or jump on the door, or escape from his kennel, climb on the bed, jump over the couch...wait a minute..on 2nd thought....?

Husband and I went to Asheville this morning... managed to make it there and back and I was only an hour late for work! As slow as it was, I likely couldve skipped work altogether andbeen A- OK. We did have one surgery...a "bloat" and it was disgusting!! I managed to dump stomach contents all over my hand and in between my fingers, on my pants & shoes and all over the floor.. Quite disgusting. Did i mention disgusting? Yeah.. All was well though and the bloated friend came through just fine... (slightly less bloated though!) Aside from that, it was a fairly understimulating day...

Later today, my new puppy Kistle comes home! I am SO excited! I sure hope Angus likes his new baby sister! My opinion, she's gonna give him a run for his money! She is already very naughty, in all her speckled glory!

I am running out of things to share...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weekend fun..

OK, its a couple days past, but I really want to post some pictures of what Husband and I did over the weekend. I heard that if you went to Stone Mountain, the deer will come up to your window and eat out of your hand.. (I know, thats really, really, really bad!!) But, I was dying to try it, and Husband said he'd go! So, we did. And I actually got to touch her nose!!

Im always on the quest for the "perfect" wildife photo, always. Im still seeking the "perfect Hawk picture" due to a mishap recently, but there is always more time, right? Anyway, without furthur ado, here are the deer pictures!!

Also, something we couldnt believe, we had the bloodthirsty puppy and his adult counterpart in the backseat for this entire thing! The deer must've been able to tell they had just fed..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Paychecks! and bloodwork

Can you imagine living in a world where you have to remind your boss to write your paycheck? Well, husband does! Except, expecting husband to remember to ask BOSS for the money is like expecting the rain to fall everywhere else except your yard... its impossible... and extremely frustrating.

On a lighter note, I got some good news today! Seems that my bloodwork drawn last friday came back normal..showing that once I can GET pregnant, I should be able to carry the pregnancy normally. Apparently, the LH & FSH responded just the way it was supposed to. Thought that was atleast a small glimmer of good news... Now, I get to wait weeks and weeks for the endocrinologist to regulate my thyroid... The nurse actually said to me that I should wait to take clomid until I go to the endocrinologist. Thats an understatement... I dont want to get pregnant UNTIL my thyroid is PERFECTLY happy, so im considering taking a vow of celibacy - and sleeping on the couch (cant be too sure what happens when you're asleep, after are wiley..) until the good endocrinologist helps me out...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 1--branching out :)

OK, so im gonna try this whole blogging thing. I find it fascinating that other people do this, and its amazingly interesting. I spend time wondering if MINE will be interesting and assuring myself that I will NOT be offended if MY blog is indeed a huge waste of time... But, turns out, I have time to waste... So we shall SEE! Whats there to lose right? Only time..

I would like to say that Blog is pronounced B-L-O-G like B --- LOG (like a B with the word LOG stuck to it, got it?), not like BLOAG (rhymes with Rogue) because this is a conversation I overheard a few days ago and it has cracked me up every time ive remembered it since then... Anyhow, its time to prepare for the husbands arrival home (ya know, showering, producing dinner, things like that)

Before I go, let me leave you with some wisdom I learned today. Crocs, while very comfortable and soft, make a GREAT tool for discplining a rebellious puppy. When the blood thirsty pup decides to eat trash, he needs to be beaten. Crocs make LOTS of noise, scare the pup half to death but dont actually hurt him. Crocs also encourage puppy to sit very very quietly in a corner until mom tells him its ok to move... Pup NEVER returned to the trash, even though I left it out to bait him (I know, you shouldnt bait blood thirsty pups..atleast I use trash instead of kittens, right?) I encourage everyone (lol, everyone! Who ELSE is reading this except myself?) to try and beat their pups atleast once with crocs! All for now - k