Tuesday, April 28, 2009

She tricked me into going asked me to go hike...

Wifey & I went hiking @ Hanging rock. On the phone, she tells me there are little steps. Maybe I was avoiding reality, but I envisioned 20 tiny little obnoxious steps. She says you USED to have to slide down a hill. I envisioned a 6 foot slide, tops 10 foot. We arrive. We walk. All good so far. We get to the steps. There are 20 steps, then you turn a corner. There are 20 more steps, then you go downward, and there are 30 more steps (numbers may be slightly exaggerated, but not by much). Going down was a breeze. The place was beautiful and you could easily forget the steps. The pups had a great time, Cletus & Kistle both did really well in the water. Max was extremely unsure. We got the tree to take a picture of all of us. Lots of fun. I wore my water crocs (which are also my work crocs, my hiking crocs, my rock climbing crocs, and my dress crocs).

Then, we start back. O-M-G. I thought I was dying. I was thinking of ways for the dogs to drag me up the moutain. Wishing I had fallen in love with mastiffs ad not german shorthaired pointers. Thankfully, Wifey is a fairly patient person, and I scaled the mountain with only a little hypoxia. I got my daily dose of Vitamin D and had a great time. Im very glad I went. Anyway, here are some pictures.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

2 more concerts!

John & I are going to the Ryman Auditorium on May 28th, and then I also bought tickets to see JJ @ The Orange Peel in Asheville on May 29th... LOL Im so excited!!!

Plus, I should really be a photographer when I grow up.. How cute is this picture??

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Im all jacked up on mt. dew coffee Jamey Johnson!

The concert was FANTASTIC. What was even MORE fantastic was getting my shirt signed. I really waffled on wearing it, since I didnt want to be a freak, AND I wanted to show some cleavage dress like a girl. By the time we arrived, I had decided to change into it, so thats what I did. And he liked it! He saw my shirt, he pointed, he said *chuckle* Where'd you get that? I said "I made it, for you" (in my BEST confident nervous, shakey, I could vomit any second voice)He said *chuckle* I like it, thats pretty cool. Then, he signed it. Well, I asked him too, it wasnt like he was dying to sign it. He also signed my ticket. Not in that order..Honestly, I think I almost forgot to ask him to sign my shirt. He scares me. He is hot. Wifey enjoyed the show, and Im very happy she went with me. She admires him too. It was all around a great adventure. We took some gay pictures of us. (By gay, I mean the version that stands for LAME, not like, literally, compromising and ya know) and then WIFEY pulled out some photography skills from somewhere deep down and took the BEST JJ picture I have. It was awesome. It also cancels the disaster of the hawk picture mentioned in a post a few months ago. I can now stop harrassing her. Anyhow, thats all. SHow was fabulous. So fabulous that its 5am and I cant sleep. Im uploadind, editing, reading about tour dates, and Jamey Johnson in general. Im smitten. Random post by me. I realize it doesnt really flow. I apologize. Its 5 am. Anyhow, here are some pics!

This is BY FAR the hottest crazy birds nest beard I've ever seen!!! (and the aforementioned BEST PICTURE!)

Its kinda hard to tell here, but this is actually the back of Matthew McConaughey. Very hard to focus on him with Jamey Johnson just on the other side... He kept jumping in front of the camera when wifey was taking pics though...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I had my heart broken today...

I found out that Jamey Johnson's May 15th show has been cancelled! Im seriously sad! I had to eat a poptart to console myself (LOL I just had to go back, I realized I had written 'poptard', LOL-ok, made me laugh). Anyhow, to make myself feel better, John & I scheduled an impromptu vacation to go see JJ @ The Ryman Auditorium in Nashville the end of May. I bought the tickets already, and I'll admit, I'm pretty freaking excited. Potentially, we'll get 2 full nights (and days) in Nashville. Neither of us have been to Nashville (to visit, not just drive through) since John was in school.. Thats been ages ago! Plus, all the puppies will be gone and we can enjoy a stress free few days. It'll be really nice!

The puppies are almost 6 weeks. Seems so hard to believe! They are growing like weeds... Literally. And I think they have beer guts.. Or kibble guts...or extra large guts? Idk.. Its impressive though. They flop like tubs of goo. And run like lightning. Lots of fun, but LOTS of mess at this stage. *sigh* Only 2 more weeks :)

Klementine got spayed today. Its a new clinic, in Surry county, about 20 minutes from my house. I am really in love with the place and the couple running it. They were extremely friendly & personable, knew the business and did a fabulous job. Klementine was SUPER excited to see me and they said it was the most activity she'd shown since I had dropped her off. I am taking Bourbon to get fixed next Wed. I dont think she's breeding quality, since she tops the scales at 30lbs. I'd hate to see her in a bad situation because some idiot bred her to a 70# dog.

Speaking of idiots and bad situations. My mother in law rescued (after some help finding OUT about the creature) a cute little tiny poodle that needed a c-section. She had been hit by a car as a pup and had sustained a broken pelvis. Since they didnt fix it, her pelvis had grown in such a way as to prevent delivery. They bred her anyway. She was in labor for over 12 hours. Straining/pushing hard for 8 hours. She had this horrible death scream. But, she won the lottery and got a c-section! She has one healthy little black poodle baby. They are currently staying with me until the pup is a little bit bigger. Thats all good, except Hagen thinks the puppy is a mouse. It squeaks, its small, and it wiggles. He's FAIRLY CERTAIN he needs to eat it. Kinda concerning. Not sure if little Annabelle will defend the baby or not. Hagen outweighs her by 11lbs though. Who knows. Anyhow, John is calling...Its time for bed... Goodnight :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I placed the boys today! A very intelligent, very nice man from the Charlotte area came up and assessed them. Turns out, Baden, the one I wanted to place, is HORRIBLY shy with anyone but John (Notice: I am abandoning the attempt to remember to call him husband...if he doesnt want his name on here, it will take him years to say so since he's never read the blog) and I. That simply won't do in a field trial situation. Anyway, so, I decided since Bastian showed ALOT of potential, to offer him to this man. I also made the deal that IF he wanted Bastian, he needed to take Baden too. So, he agreed. I took a slight loss on it, but I really didnt want to be saddled with him forever. Bastian was great, Baden not so much. Anyway, all in all, it was a great experience, and I learned ALOT.

Today was John's birthday. We arent very creative. He got sausage & eggs for breakfast (normal), Mexican for lunch (normal) and I cooked some chicken for dinner (boring). We did however, sit in what SOUNDED like a full scale movie theater, but was really our living room (with the TV as LOUD as it can POSSIBLY go), and watch the batman movies. Very very dark movie. I can see why Ledger would've found it disturbing to produce. Tomorrow we get to plant some more flowers, and I'll post some pics :) IF it isnt raining like crazy!! Anyway, thats all for now :) -k

Monday, April 13, 2009

Abdominal Mass coming right up!!

No, I do not have an abdominal mass... My abdomen IS a mass, but thats beside the point...

But MAN OH Man! If we saw ONE abdominal mass dog this weekend, we saw FOURTY. It was crazy. Busy busy weekend, with lost of serious stuff. Tonight, every single thing we saw come through the door (minus one little bloody diarrhea dog) had an abdominal mass. Its insane to me that they all decided to bleed out within hours of each other. Its also heartbreaking. You realize its cancer and explaining that to the people is a job I never want.

I had some bad dreams while napping earlier today. I dreamed Tate tore a puppy apart because it ate her rawhide. Then, I went on to dream that the other puppies fell into a creek and drowned. Horrible! Am I supposed to tell horrible dreams on my blog? Well, ok, fine, I wont anymore.

Im not handling this Ann business very well. It helps ME to talk about it, if its MY idea, but I find it is NOT helpful for people to randomly bring it up. Especially when surrounding people do not react accordingly. It makes me angry. Really, really angry. Today, for instance, someone brought her up. Offered condolences. I would've been fine if it had stopped there... but nope, someone else butts in, then says something to the affect of 'Which dog? not that id know anyway since there are so many, but oh.' Really? But OH?! I dont know, I just need it to all go away I think. I still am in complete shock that it even HAPPENED. I still look for her square old brown head every day, and I still catch myself running to check and see if she's jumped the fence, before I remember she's gone. I got a card in the mail from one of the couples buying a puppy from us. It was absolutely the nicest thing anyone has ever done for us, I think. I was completely speechless. Good hearted people. I am elated that one of our puppies will be going to a family THAT awesome!

Ok, back to funny. We had this stupid, stupid creature come into work on Friday night. He had eaten approx 30 grapes and some spaghetti. Grapes are toxic to dogs, so we made him vomit. His owners clearly didnt realize that he'd had WAY more than the 30 grapes. It was so funny, he vomited symetrically, and the contents far exceeded the grapes. So please note, the following picture is of VOMIT. LOL... Peace out :)

Can you tell? There are grapes, spaghetti, what looks like chicken breast and some brownies... a WELL balanced meal!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Email arguments

I thought this was rather funny, so Im posting it here. I am looking for a wooden doghouse to make a quail coop out of for my cute little quail when they come. Ive been perusing CL for the perfect (note:cheap) doghouse. I sent an inquiry to a man on Craigslist today regarding his listing for 4 doghouses. This is how it went:

Me: Hi, id like pictures if possible. Thanks - Kerri

Him: Kerri,I'll try to post them later but to be honest I don't think their gonna last long. I've had several calls already.Their fairly common dog houses. Two are shaped like Igloos and the other two are squarish with barn type roofs.It's a dog house for $15 so I really don't know what your expecting but their not trash.

Me(riled up @ this point):LOL Im expecting a place to make a chicken roost. Im more interested in the barn type, thats why I would like pictures. If I think it would work, Id want one. If not, I'll make my own. No biggie. Either you can or you cant, dont sweat it. Thanks -kerri

Him:Fair enough....excellent response BTW although to be fair I think it's chicken coop.Nothing screams i'm a heathen redneck like a chicken coop in the front yard.I'll try to post pics of the later today if their not gone.Thanks, ****

Me (must have last word):Tomaytoe TomAHto (lol, get it? Had to spell it out!) My chickens will prefer to roost there vs being cooped up :) Its all in how you present it to them...and actually, I'll be using it for quail. Anyway, let me know, thanks alot -kerri

Then, I pondered these transactions, and realized he had called me a heathen redneck. Had to go back and respond again.

Me:And, anyway, Im planning to put my chicken coop just under my massive clothes line with tons of pink granny panties hanging on them...nobody will even SEE the dog house :) But thanks!

Now, after waiting about 20 minutes, Im sorely disappointed that HE took the high road and hasn't responded. I was really looking forward to continuing this argument! LOL im also guessing he wont' be sending me pictures??

He responded--finally..and.... it was flattering... here it is:
What a delightfully wicked sense of humor. I suspect if I weren't 40 and crusty we'd get along just fine. I lament the lack of intelligent women my age that know how to take a joke much less how to dish one out with such grace.Touche'. You win this time.I'll try to post pics later today.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Introductions to the pack...

Everyone knows everyone now. I took about an hour to slowly introduce all the new kids to the old kids. It went suprisingly VERY well. Aside from Ruckus humping everyone, it went EXTREMELY well. Im now checking on them periodically, and it looks like Jersey has bonded with little Bourbon. I have some concerns over Bourbon's size. She is VERY small compared to Ruckus, and very small compared to Rana. I dont know if its safe to add her to my breeding program because of the size of my dogs. She is only 8 months old, so Im more than willing to give her some time to see what happens. Her brothers are small too, although not nearly as small.

I did get some less than happy news today - on the dog front. My good friend who adopted a puppy from our first litter can no longer keep him. Her husband is demanding him gone NOW, so she wants to send him into rescue. Im currently panicking and trying to find someone to take him before that happens. Anyone interested in a 3 year old neutered GSP? He's gorgeous :) -k

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

World Travelers or Worldly Travelers (does traveler have one L or 2?)

Wifey & I took a trip. We travelled thousands of miles to pick up dogs.... Well, really, we only travelled 650 miles total...but man did it FEEL like thousands of miles when you are driving in snow.... we really DID pick up dogs... I bought 3 pointers from a man in KY. A female and 2 males. Im planning to try my hand at the bird dog training bit. Im pretty excited.

We first went to mamaw & papaw's house. I was very happy to get the opportunity to see them and to introduce Wifey... And, we got to feed an apple to the draft horse... Good times!
When we left the mans house, we missed a turn and ended up coming down this dark road that went back out to the Aa highway. As we were pulling up to the stoplight, this little skinny dog runs up from a gulley thing.. I screamed OMG A POINTER! Wifey, always the logical one, calmly tells me it ISNT a pointer...she opens her door, and the poor little dog was practically sitting outside of the door, just waiting on us to let her in. Wifey (with encouragement) drug her inside, and off we went. Shes a very thin little thing, probably hasnt eaten anything (except a plastic fork) in days before she found us! Poor kid!

So now, we're full to the gills...3 pointers in the back, and one skinny hound dog in the front. We (I mean wifey) named the skinny hound Klementine (with a K, for KY, get it? I gave her the K..). Wifey's bright idea was to give her crackers.. So i run in the gas station, buy some crackers...and guess what? She doesnt WANT THEM! LOL... Cant say I blame her, but still. Im still not convinced sure this wasnt just a ploy for wifey to get crackers...

Finally, after what seemed like a year on the Aa Highway, we made it back to 64. We recieved a weather update saying that snow was a possibility. Sure enough, almost as soon as we passed Charleston, it started snowing. I was wearing a t-shirt and neither of us had a jacket (oh wise women we are!). It snowed like crazy until Wytheville. We had to go 55 most of the way...took F-o-R-e-V-e_R!! to get out of west virginia. I was extremely bleary eyed by the end.. We stopped and I bought a phone charger and a jacket at the flying J in wytheville, and the rest of the trip was uneventful. We made it home safe & sound... I did manage to drive the whole way and get away with only 2 naps during straight stretches :)
Here are some pics of Klementine and the pointers (so far they are Bourbon, Bastian and unknown)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our blue room :)

So yesterday I went to an auction and got LOTS of stuff. I basically furnished our new blue room for $100.50. Very cool! Auctions are SO much fun! Not to mention, only part of the stuff I spent money on was furniture. The rest was an insane amount of books! Anyhow, here are pics! -k

Our new dresser ($55) & Painting ($8)

Our new trunk($8)..complete with travel stickers..which is hiding the litterbox

The new bed..we got it off craigslist for free...it was ugly and white (with gold), John repainted it

Some of the books...

for sale :)