Saturday, April 25, 2009

Im all jacked up on mt. dew coffee Jamey Johnson!

The concert was FANTASTIC. What was even MORE fantastic was getting my shirt signed. I really waffled on wearing it, since I didnt want to be a freak, AND I wanted to show some cleavage dress like a girl. By the time we arrived, I had decided to change into it, so thats what I did. And he liked it! He saw my shirt, he pointed, he said *chuckle* Where'd you get that? I said "I made it, for you" (in my BEST confident nervous, shakey, I could vomit any second voice)He said *chuckle* I like it, thats pretty cool. Then, he signed it. Well, I asked him too, it wasnt like he was dying to sign it. He also signed my ticket. Not in that order..Honestly, I think I almost forgot to ask him to sign my shirt. He scares me. He is hot. Wifey enjoyed the show, and Im very happy she went with me. She admires him too. It was all around a great adventure. We took some gay pictures of us. (By gay, I mean the version that stands for LAME, not like, literally, compromising and ya know) and then WIFEY pulled out some photography skills from somewhere deep down and took the BEST JJ picture I have. It was awesome. It also cancels the disaster of the hawk picture mentioned in a post a few months ago. I can now stop harrassing her. Anyhow, thats all. SHow was fabulous. So fabulous that its 5am and I cant sleep. Im uploadind, editing, reading about tour dates, and Jamey Johnson in general. Im smitten. Random post by me. I realize it doesnt really flow. I apologize. Its 5 am. Anyhow, here are some pics!

This is BY FAR the hottest crazy birds nest beard I've ever seen!!! (and the aforementioned BEST PICTURE!)

Its kinda hard to tell here, but this is actually the back of Matthew McConaughey. Very hard to focus on him with Jamey Johnson just on the other side... He kept jumping in front of the camera when wifey was taking pics though...

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