Saturday, February 14, 2009

The kitchen table

So, about a year ago(perhaps longer, time is a blur), father redid their kitchen table and it looked absolutely fabulous... I fell in love... I asked him to make US a kitchen table (since we only own knees and arm rests) and he agreed... Husband FINALLY decided to take the time was able to pick the table up last night, and Im even MORE in love with OUR table! Its FANTASTIC!! It makes me so happy, my heart could burst (or maybe thats a disorder, but anyway). Its shiny and smooth and absolutey lovely. And most important, even if it wasnt beautiful, and even if it had mismatched legs, and discolored paint or holes in the wood, my dad made it for ME. That means more than I can even put into words. So, without furthur ado, here is my OUR kitchen table! --

(The chairs are not hand made, we bought them from Linens & Things right before they went out of business... Got em for $20 each!! )
And, Dad, if you read this, I love you!!

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