Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Comments are a plague, apparently

So, I have a tracker on my blog. I see what cities show up when people arrive. I can make assumptions regarding who those people are, but I never know for sure. The reason that I never know because NOBODY EVER FREAKING COMMENTS!!! Pretend that the comment section is like a collection cup. For the bathroom attendant. The friendly lady that smiles and shows you to the empty bathroom stall. COmments are like nickels and dimes. Someone...just tip the bathroom attendant!

Now that we've cleared that up. Moving on.

Papaw is sick. I am mostly trying to block it out, since there is nothing I can do. This is hard for me to admit. I am a problem solver. A fixer. Short of finding a vampire for vampire blood healing abilities, I cant solve this one. It scares me. I love him. He is one of my most favorite people in my whole life. Truly. He taught me and was patient, yelled at me when I was obnoxious (that was very, very rarely, might I add), microwaved my bacon for breakfast, showed me baby birds in the nest, brought me robin eggs to look at and learn about, got me a pony, indulged me when I wanted to "drive" at age 8, shared his coffee with me, taught me how to shoot, brought me turtles on Saturday morning. He is our Santa Claus. We waited all year on Santa to call. He sings to me on my birthday. He saves me chicken magazines and sends me information on becoming a veterinarian. He pranks me and mocks me. He is love. I love him. And, as much as I am struggling with him declining, I feel the most upset for my mom. He is her dad. I cant imagine if my dad were ill and I was helpless. I doubly (is that possible?) cannot imagine if my dad were ill and I had in depth medical knowledge about his signs and symptoms. What he was experiencing and what he was likely to experience. Ignorance is bliss. Wonderful, sweet bliss. I feel super helpless because not only can I not solve papaw's problem, I cannot solve it for Mom, either. So, we'll walk along down this path, full of angst, unresolve, fear, and sadness.

We'll try to keep our chins up, because, after all, Papaw is. He is probably holding it together better than all of us :)

We have an appointment on Friday with the Reproductive Endocrinologist for furthur information and options. I am nervous but looking forward to hearing what she has to say. We have ultimately decided that In Vitro is for us. Now, its possible she'll have some amazing super wonderful fantastic idea on Friday, but we're probably heading the in vitro route. We need $20,000 to make that happen. Our plan is to utilize Dave Ramsey workshops and learn a real budget. We waste alot of money a month (unfortunately not $20,000) and hope to be able to reach our goal fairly quickly (8-12 months). I dont feel like following this route is something that we want to BORROW money to complete. If something happens and it fails, we would resent the money owed. I think its best to pay it up front. Im also nervous, because the issue is not with me. Im envisioning 3 cutest little embryos being implanted, and 6 little babies coming out - can they still split after implanting? And, lets be honest, even 3 cutest little babies would scare the bejeezus out of us. (well, me, anyway, John would go into total shut down). Seems only fitting that we have multiple children at once, we ask that of our dogs :) Only difference, we wont sell the babies at 8 weeks! At any rate, my face is breaking out like a teenager. The stress of the last few weeks has been unreal. I feel like im 14 again. Hormonal, zitty, and whiny. I could definitely be 14. Or menopausal, from what I hear. LOL. Hope ya'll are well.


  1. I wish I knew what to say to comfort you. Only that I will be praying for your Mom and you. I know losing my Dad was not easy and I was not as close to him as you both are. You have so many fond memories, which I guess makes it harder, but at least you have memories. (Something I really dont' have much of), Really, be very thankful for those memories.
    I am really sorry that you have so much on you. I think you are right about the money and you would resent it. I wish I had $20,000, I would give it to you. Maybe you should ask Oprah.? Stress could be part of the reason why you are not getting pregnant. They always say adopt and then you will get pregnant. :-) Thought about that one?? It's probably cheaper, also. Our neighbors are adopting two children brother and sister from Poland. She has been pregnant twice with twins and lost them. Then they said no more, so they are adopting now. I think she took fertility drugs. Anyways, probably none of that helps. But we will definetly pray for you and that God will give you some answers soon. Love you!
    Does this post tell who is sending it?

  2. My comment is that you didnt warn me that reading your blog would depress me!

  3. Sis, I'm really glad I read this. I cant do anything except block it out too. Its like a knife in my back that I cant reach. I'm not sure what to say other than that. Love you, call me some time.
