I have a passion for animals. I eat sleep breathe animals (yes, that means im not vegetarian). I own many. Many dont understand (people, not animals). It has been my lifetime weakness. When I was a tiny child, pranks were pulled on me using animals as the lure. (IE oh, look at the baby birds in the nest, yes climb the ladder to see them, then getting doused with a water hose -and no baby birds existed.). Im also gullible. Mix gullible and passionate together and Im pretty easy to get along with. lol.
I also have a fondness for my grandfather. He happens to be my most favorite person in the world, and therefore also the person who pulls pranks the easiest. I believe whatever he tells me. No matter what. (re-read -G.U.L.L.I.B.L.E). We are suffering a family crisis now, and a very trying time, regarding him specifically. My emotions are in upheaval and when I see him, I reflect on the funny pranks hes pulled. Today while I was chatting with him, I remembered the deer.
Im lazy. Im overweight, and I hate to exercise. However, if I had to walk 4 miles for an animal, im on it (remember the fawn? I chased that thing down and took it from the dog, thats right, I CAN run). At any rate, during one visit to mamaw & papaw's, I was told that the neighbors (*neighbors, loose term, meaning a mile down the road), had a deer and I could pet it. I was STOKED. All I could focus on was this deer. Mamaw kept this constant cat with the canary grin all afternoon. Im gullible, so I believed it was due to my enthusiasm for petting the deer. Clearly, right?. After lunch, we head down the road to the neighbors to pet the deer. Im giddy with excitement. In the mean time, I fall on flat ground and look lke a real klutz. I cant help it, im clumsy when Im excited. We walk. Its hot. Im lazy and out of shape. Im sweating, but by golly im gonna pet this deer. Finally, papaw tells me we're almost there! Just around the bend is this large clump of grass. He stops and says there is your deer. Me: Uh what? Him:over there, in the grass. And then he parts the grass. It was a deer that was dead from a car. lol.
I did NOT pet it. I sure did fall for it, though. Literally.
6 years ago