OK, so its officially negative. Dr advised me to stop progesterone now.
Today, I start the HCG diet. Again. My new mantra is going to be "nothing tastes as good as holding my baby(ies) will feel." Ive gained about 30lbs in the last 3 months so its time to head back the other direction :). My plan is to do the 40 day cycle of the diet (maybe longer, depending on how its going), then start our fertility treatments again in August. Good times.
Went to the livestock auction yesterday, came home with 2 cutest goats! One is a Nubian doe and her baby is a Nubian/Boer doeling. Seriously adorable. Before I knew which direction I wanted to go with the goats, I planned to get a Boer. They are chunky monkeys with cute little heads and floppy ears. My nubian momma is in milk. And yes, I DID milk the goat! For the first time in my whole life, I milked a goat. Of course, I only managed to get a few streams, but im STOKED! (or pumped...lol). Anyway, now, to just get it regular! These animals are keeping me B-U-S-Y!
Our other goats, Maybelline, Lily & Frog, are all doing well. Lily & Frog are growing like weeds! They are also starting to play along with maybelline. She chases me and the kids chase her. Its pretty cute!
I ♥ my goats!!
Frog & Lily
Maybelline, rockin her shades...
Cider & Pollen -
they are still ever so slightly traumatized and wont look at me..