Saturday, December 11, 2010

I know a man who drinks beer.

Seems relatively benign, I suppose. He is a warm man, with love and laughter. He is a hard worker, to a fault even. He is tolerant. He is fairly easy going. He is mostly non-confrontational. He snuggles like no other. He warms up the bed when its super cold. Sounds wonderful, right? Well, it is, except he is a husband, too. A husband that has a sperm count problem. A count which, to date, has prevented the couple from fulfiling our dream their dream of becoming a parent. A count which they have spent money trying to correct. A count which has cause the wife mental anguish, sadness, fear of the future, dismay, depression, anger...

Seems easy to correct, right? One truly invested in the baby making business, a husband that truly wanted to produce a family with his wife would simply say 'No beer for me!". Especially when his wife has come to him numerous times, in anger, in sadness, in pleading, to please stop drinking beer. Even if its only one. Documentation shows that even one beer is harmful. This man is intelligent. He can read up on the negative effects of having a sperm donor. He can spout off reasons why having a child from a donor would be harmful for the child and the future family. He says all this with conviction, with fear, with anger.

Additionally, he forgets to take his medication. When he is reminded, and the wife admits, she reminds angrily (there isnt much rope left!), to take the medication, he can never be at fault. It is HER fault that she forgot to remind him.

What I want to tell this wife is simple, but hard to hear. The signs are clear. The husband isnt interested in being more than a husband. No "daddy" in his future. Im not sure how she will handle this information.

Im not sure she'll be ok.

A question asked by 99% of men who have been diagnosed as having infertility problems, is does alcohol effect sperm?

The truth of the matter regarding alcohol and sperm produciton is that it does have a negative effect on a mans ability to father a child.

The effects of drinking alcohol causes a noticeable decrease in sperm count, as well contributing to an increase in abnormal sperm and lowering the proportion of motile sperm. Alcohol also drastically inhibits the bodies absorption of zinc, which is one of the most important minerals relating to male fertility.

Research has shown that the more alcohol a man consumes the bigger the effect it has on his ability to produce quality sperm. For those many men out there who have fertility problems, your alcohol intake doesn’t just need to be reduced, but must be totally eliminated. By doing so it will increase your chances of being able to father a child. For those men that truly want to improve their sperm produciton to the level where they can father a child giving up the booze isn’t too big a hardship.

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