Saturday, May 14, 2011

Trying my hand at various things..

Im going to soon be trying my hand at infant photography. I cant wait! Monday we'll be posing baby Rylan for some cutest pictures ever (I hope!). A friend that I work with has generously given her time to creating tiny baby coccoon's for Rylan to wear for his pictures... Now, I just need to find some props and we're set! I think Ill hit up some antique stores tomorrow for some old timey props...

Im currently trying my hand at egg incubation (the chicken variety). So far, a whopping failure. Hopefully, this time, we'll have some success...especially since the eggs arent cheap :) Its just so hard to get comfortable.

Im going to Colorado soon. Im flying (in a plane). I hate to fly. I especially hate to fly alone. But, I miss my Colorado peeps, and it will be absolutely wonderful to see them. And Wendy, even though shes a nebraska peep now. And, it'll be nice to meet Morgan.

I bought 3 quail. I set them up in a cute little cage out on the porch. I came inside, settled down in front of the computer and planned to sit in peace. Suddenly, I hear one of the cats choking. I jumped up and started looking behind the couch. I called for hubby, who in his best unexcited voice, informs me that all cats are accounted for. Then, im perplexed. Not a cat choking to death behind the couch... I hear it again... I look outside....I hear it again...and catch the quail doing it! Who knew that tiny little quail apparently "crow" all night long in the choking cat quail noise? Charming!! And, FREAKY! Oh well, its not so bad now...Ive blocked it out...much like a barking dog.

Looking very forward to the month of June! Lots of concerts and travelling :) So excited!

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