Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Milk aint cuttin it.

So, whoever told you (and me) that milk was "cooling" was full of crap. I tried putting milk on the burning tips, and I tried applying milk to John's burning nose, to no avail. For the most part, his nose quit burning about an hour afterwards, but my fingers were really painful. They remained at a dull ache for most of the day yesterday, then flared up after my shower and REALLY got to throbbing. I called my grandma, thinking that if nothing else, SHE would have done this to herself....She suggested lemon juice and enjoyed a great laugh at my expense. I think lemon juice is an accelerant. Clearly. After a small soak in lemon juice, I had to then run cold water over my fingers just to be able to tolerate it! TERRIBLE. I drove all the way into town with my fingers hanging out the window. Finally, they slowed down to a small throb, then went away altogether (the sensation, not the finger tips) late last night. My fingers are sore :(

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