Friday, March 26, 2010

How bout a funny story.

So, when i was about 14-15, mom and I went to the grocery store. We were in her car, which had automatic windows (key plot point). We drove by this large SUV that had a black great dane inside. I thought it was absolutely precious, and wanted to see more, so mom pulls right up next to the vehicle so that I can oooh and ahhh at the creature. I rolled the window down. (mistake 1). I ooh and ahhh. Then, through some teenage brain fart moment, I barked. Twice. (mistake 2). This massive dog, teeth baring and hackles raised comes barreling through the window about 2 feet. Right. In. My. Face. Followed closely by its 2 friends (it might;ve only been one other dane, but I cant rightly say. I was very focused on other things). All are barking and growling, letting me know very clearly they would eat my face. Right off. So, amidst my screaming and panicking, Im attempting to smash the automatic up button on the window. Attempting. Mostly, I beat the snot out of the door of the car (while shrilly screaming). The other person in the vehicle that had control of the window operations, was laughing so hysterically that she forgot to 1)help. and 2) DRIVE THE CAR AWAY. I was in grave peril. She laughed hysterically. I might've pooped myself. I cant say for sure. Thanks, Mom.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Another Craigslist kook.

Ok, so John wants tobacco plants. Just for fun. I emailed this dude on CL to see if he'd sell us a few plants (instead of just the seeds he was offering). He informed that he indeed DOES have started plants and would sell them for $2 a piece. I explained that we would be in his area the following day around 7:30 am. He responded and asked me to please call to confirm if we decided we wanted some, as well as how many. I never called because we werent going to have time. Then, the following day I got an email that only said NO SHOW. Which is rather accusatory and rude. So, I responded "You asked me to call to confirm, so since I did not call to confirm, I'd call it a NO CONFIRM. Oh well, guess I ruined THAT contact. Sorry, honey :(

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Well, we had our IUI yesterday morning. The count was increased and the motility was absolutely wonderful. Turns out vitamins and not smoking really DO help! Here's to hoping it works! Im sooooo hopeful!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tomorrow is the big day!

Our ultrasound on Sunday revealed 3 adorable eggs - 2 on the right side that are perfect in size, and 1 on the left that leaves a little to be desired. I had to give myself the Ovudril injections last night, and we'll go in tomorrow for the IUI. SOOO EXCITED! (although, im betting John isnt!) Let you know how it goes!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

HSG test

Well, I had the uterine dye test today - they inject a xray contrast into your uterus to check its health. It checks to be sure the fallopian tubes are opening correctly and that the make-up of the uterus is normal. The doctor said it was 100% normal. Im fairly pleased with that, eh? Atleast something I have can be 100% normal! We did, however, have to drive almost 2 hours for a 6 minute procedure. lol. Good times! Oh well, back to the doctor on Sunday! Cant wait!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


My ovaries are resting, according to the dr. Thats exactly what they aresupposed to be doing, and we're gonna wake em up with some Clomid (and then try and get one of em knocked up :) ) Lots of cysts seen (the good kind, not the bad kind - no bad cysts). My bloodwork all came back normal and good. I am not a cystic fibrosis carrier, which was sorta scary to me, so Im happy for that. I go in on Tuesday of next week for the dye test to scope out my uterus. My dad suggested I find out what color dye they will be using and have my hair highlighted the same color...lolololol. He's so funny :) Updates as soon as I have em!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

today is day1,

In the process. I have a doctor appt at 7:15am on Friday morning to have my guts looked at again, as well as some bloodwork and medications to begin. Then, we'll go from there. SooOOOooOOoo excited! But, did I mention my dr appt is at 7:15? I work til 2am, and I have to leave my house by 5 in order to get there on time. Sweet. Good times. Til then!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A new day of hope is here!

So, we went to Charlotte to the reproduction endocrinologist yesterday. The place was fabulous. It was the most professional and sensitive place we've ever been. They even lowered their voices when they referred to 'infertility'. Im typically a nervous nelly, but they really settled me right in (AND they had the COOLEST coffee maker, that also made hot chocolate with a little bit of snickers gooey goodness inside).

They greeted us with an insurance layout that detailed our coverage and what is available. Nice to have, nice to know. The appointment was wonderful, aside from finding that my weight puts me in the"extreme obesity" category (traumatizing), and I really liked everyone I met. They had obviously read both our charts, addressed us by name, introduced themselves, and generally spoke like knowledgeable people (not akin to "so, your guys aint workin full time for ya", like our most recent dr visit went). We found out interesting things. Apparently, it was imperative that I have have a scary ultrasound (yep, insert V word), to assess my uterus & ovarian health. She thinks all looks fairly normal but the left side is full of follicles that might indicate a slight ovulatory discrepancy. It was very important to her that John NOT begin his testosterone injections. Since his levels were only slightly lowered, it is more likely due to his lifetime of smoking than an actual hormone problem. The same cause can be linked to his part-timers. Now that he has stopped smoking, she feels that those issues will correct themselves, and, incidentally, testosterone injections can cause the part timers to become quitters altogether. We do NOT WANT THAT. She tested me for cystic fibrosis, which is the most common caucasian disease. Apparently, if I carry for it, and John does as well, we would then only be candidates for IVF so that genetic testing of the embryo is possible. They will only implant the Cystic Fibrosis negative embryos, in that situation. We are good candidates for IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)-barring the cystic fibrosis gig, and we will begin this upcoming cycle. I feel very positive and uplifted. I soo needed this appointment to go well. She ran tons of bloodwork (including, I am embarrassed to say, a blood type, because I have no clue). Enough bloodwork that she will probably be able to tell when I last farted. Just sayin. All in all, a wonderful day. Im very excited and looking forward to our next step.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Reproductive Endocrinologists!

well, tomorrow is our big day!! Im so NERVOUS!!! It sorta makes me want to puke :) Guess we'll update ya tomorrow!