Friday, March 26, 2010

How bout a funny story.

So, when i was about 14-15, mom and I went to the grocery store. We were in her car, which had automatic windows (key plot point). We drove by this large SUV that had a black great dane inside. I thought it was absolutely precious, and wanted to see more, so mom pulls right up next to the vehicle so that I can oooh and ahhh at the creature. I rolled the window down. (mistake 1). I ooh and ahhh. Then, through some teenage brain fart moment, I barked. Twice. (mistake 2). This massive dog, teeth baring and hackles raised comes barreling through the window about 2 feet. Right. In. My. Face. Followed closely by its 2 friends (it might;ve only been one other dane, but I cant rightly say. I was very focused on other things). All are barking and growling, letting me know very clearly they would eat my face. Right off. So, amidst my screaming and panicking, Im attempting to smash the automatic up button on the window. Attempting. Mostly, I beat the snot out of the door of the car (while shrilly screaming). The other person in the vehicle that had control of the window operations, was laughing so hysterically that she forgot to 1)help. and 2) DRIVE THE CAR AWAY. I was in grave peril. She laughed hysterically. I might've pooped myself. I cant say for sure. Thanks, Mom.

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