Monday, May 31, 2010

Look what we treated at work tonight!!

Insane! Who brings a freaking swan to the vet? It had tons of maggots. And lice large enough to carry off small children (I considered hiring them to fetch me a child).. Anyway, pretty cool! Owners knew he was sickly because he was "normally very aggressive" and had become calmer. Nice, eh?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Enjoy the eagle cam!

So, my dad shared this link with me. Its INSANELY cool! There is sound, so be sure you have that volume on!

I sit and watch constantly :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Probably a lost cause

John's count was way way way way down and it was probably a waste of money. I suppose there is a slight chance it worked, but the dr gave me a free gonal F pen for next month, if that tells you anything. His motility was still great, but when there is basically nothing there.....

Im so devestated.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Next IUI

So, in less than 12 hours, we're having our 3d IUI. I feel like so much has happened in the last few months. I also, maybe incorrectly, feel extremely positive about this cycle. Although im still anxious, my head is just wrapped around a baby this time. And, to be honest, I keep saying babies because Ive convinced myself we're having twins.

John has been rather consistent with his acupuncture treatments and he said that today when she assessed his tongue (cracks me up) she told him "oh to be young again, heal so quickly" or something along those lines. I cant WAIT to see what a difference the acu has made for him. I do know that he went to bed tonight without taking his supplements, which irritates the piss out of me, but if we go in tomorrow and its lower, Ill spit in his breakfast for a whole month. (Fair warning, lover).

We did have a travesty tonight. Ruckus, my pointer, got into my goat fence and ate the 2 chickens that were living out there with the goats. I was TRAUMATIZED. I loved those stupid chickens. I cried. Its hard to be angry with him because he is a bird dog, but really? Cut me some SLACK, world! I guess technically, the slack was that he didnt eat the goats. Only the chickens. And he didnt just kill them, he literally ate them. So, I guess thats positive too, he didnt waste their deaths. Poor things. Anyway, more tomorrow after we find out statistics! Til then :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The boyscouts of America.

Maybe Im going to hell. I think its possible.

I think the boyscouts are A CULT. From the outside looking in, this is what I see. A group of adults directing young adults. They dress the same, look the same, act the same. They have 'goals' that are flimsy. The parents are allowed to push and prod and practically achieve said goals FOR the scout. There is no checks and balances. They eat the same thing, go the same places, even pitch their tent the same way. It MAKES. ME. CRAZY. Lets have something positive for our children, instead of assessing their ability to swim 100 feet. Seriously? What sort of life lesson is that? Lets teach them how to REALLY do something. Lets teach them compassion, respect, and actually have rules that they MUST follow! One scout that I know (and love) doesnt even follow the premise of scouting. His parents have literally drug him along for the past 8 years. I cant think of a single time he was motivated to achieve a goal ON HIS OWN. He has failed grades of high school, learned foul language (that is used in front of his parents and grandparents), wished bad things upon our president and generally been atrocious. There were ZERO repercussions. He still spent all his free time (instead of doing homework) being pushed to get a merit badge of some sort. He is smart. Brilliantly smart, but just NOT what scouts are "supposed" to be. THIS makes me crazy. These boys are supposed to be respectful, use clean language, love everyone, attempt to teach everyone something. I see a group of predominately white, racists families that are in a constant pissing contest to see which son can pirouette 66 times off of a wooden plank in a smelly camp to achieve the ballerina badge. The parents are JUST as bad. I cant tell you how many times Ive overheard conversations regarding the scouting drama. "So n so wears their clothes too tight, so n sos mom showed her n so made the wrong words during a speech". So what does THIS teach the boys? Its alright to run each other down? Its alright to gossip and talk badly about people? They can get THAT little piece of ethic in public school. No need to monopolize all their time teaching them about gossip and drama, thats for sure! And lets not even get started on the dozens of times I have heard one political party or another being run down. Predominately democratic, leading me to add that these families are predominately white, republican, racist families.

I dont get it. Maybe its cause im a girl. Maybe its cause I never was a part of scouting. Or, maybe I know scouts that are full of shit and false pretenses and its disgusting. Who knows. I dont mean this to offend anyone. Sorry if it has. (although, it is MY life as I see it). I just sat through a ceremony today, in a church, and listened to what went on peripherally (not to mention the load of .....stuff that people were saying from the pulpit). If those boys wearing those same brown and green uniforms said GOD one time, they said it 50. Pretty sure basic fundamentals say not to take the Lord's name in vain. Im irritated over this. Ive long thought it was silly.

My children will be involved in 4H, where they can learn responsibility, pride in accomplishing something, compassion, care for creatures, and self respect. So there.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

onto IUI #3.

Number 2 was a bust. No go. I knew I wasnt pregnant, but still felt slightly hopeful that maybe, just MAYBE, Id be wrong? But nope. Not so much. This month, when we went for our d3 ultrasound, i asked about increasing clomid dose and adding injectables. Our RE was ALL FOR IT and started me on 150mg Clomid and 75 IU of Gonal-F. We return for our follicle scan ultrasound on Sunday the 23d. Im hoping for 20 little follicles. Id be happy with 4. We had the multiple discussion briefly this morning. If we get pregnant with 6, we're happy. (atleast, I AM HAPPY, John is cringing). If we have 6 follicles, we still want to go through with it. Sometimes the RE's try to get you to cancel if there are that many follicles, but at THIS point, screw that. Knock me UP!. And, my mom always says, if you're gonna do it, do it right. lol.

Took my first dose of Gonal F last night - I was sweating like a whore in church! Really really bad! Took about 10 minutes to start, and about an hour to stop. Very attractive. I also got a headache, but Im hoping that the more atrocious symptoms were because I also took Clomid last night. Tonight will just be Gonal-F. AND I get to take my injection at work! Fun freaking times.

All Ive read about injectables, even at this dose, have a much much higher success rate. Couple that with John's acupuncture (since IM a flake and havent been back) and we should be good to go! Wish us LUCK! This is it, people! (I sure hope so).

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Get your goat?

No? Well, I did! I picked up 2 of the cutest little goats yesterday! Thanks to wifey for allowing me the use of the horse trailer, and for spending their evening with me picking up goats, I managed to get them home safe & sound. We (I say 'we' loosely) trimmed their feetsies, let them poop in John's box of screws (on accident, honey, I swear it) and then settled them into their new fence. I was worried they wouldnt have enough room, but so far, they've moved about 12 inches one way or the other. They've dug a hole, they've climbed on boards (which gives me a heart attack) and they've eaten some hay. Good times. One doe is a Saanen cross and the other is an Alpine cross. The alpine is NAUGHTY. The saanen seems to be very smart and relaxed. And, our herd will be complete when my 2 baby goats can come home too! Only 2 more weeks!

Enjoy the pictures.. We've named them Maybelline and Jolene. Jolene has a cough, so we're gonna deworm her in hopes that the cough is because of lungworms. Isnt that fun? Just saying that makes my breathing a little wheezy! Anyway, enjoy the pics, really.