Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Next IUI

So, in less than 12 hours, we're having our 3d IUI. I feel like so much has happened in the last few months. I also, maybe incorrectly, feel extremely positive about this cycle. Although im still anxious, my head is just wrapped around a baby this time. And, to be honest, I keep saying babies because Ive convinced myself we're having twins.

John has been rather consistent with his acupuncture treatments and he said that today when she assessed his tongue (cracks me up) she told him "oh to be young again, heal so quickly" or something along those lines. I cant WAIT to see what a difference the acu has made for him. I do know that he went to bed tonight without taking his supplements, which irritates the piss out of me, but if we go in tomorrow and its lower, Ill spit in his breakfast for a whole month. (Fair warning, lover).

We did have a travesty tonight. Ruckus, my pointer, got into my goat fence and ate the 2 chickens that were living out there with the goats. I was TRAUMATIZED. I loved those stupid chickens. I cried. Its hard to be angry with him because he is a bird dog, but really? Cut me some SLACK, world! I guess technically, the slack was that he didnt eat the goats. Only the chickens. And he didnt just kill them, he literally ate them. So, I guess thats positive too, he didnt waste their deaths. Poor things. Anyway, more tomorrow after we find out statistics! Til then :)

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