Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cry days & Spontaneous emesis.

Ok, so its already no secret to John, but it might be to you. Clomid makes me cry. BooooHOOOO at the smallest thing. On day 3 of the meds last month, a 60 year old man, who we are friends with, told me that he cried over something and that sent me into near hysterics. It was all I could do not to burst into tears while sitting at the dinner table with him. Just because HE cried. Then, John decides to be emotional about an hour later and express his feelings and i DID actually lose it. Sobbed. Felt re-re and sobbed. Sweet. This month hasnt been as bad and I forewarned everyone to keep their hormone-inducing stories to themselves until I was through the worst of it. Now, though, Im experiencing a different trick. Although im finished with the meds, Ive been puking. Well, I actually only puked once but was nauseous like you wouldnt believe for a couple days. I started getting pukey around 8 on sunday night...thought I was hungry, ate some food, got worse, went home, ralphed around 5:45 Monday morning... Then, I was alright all day (shaky and weak kinda) and had dinner around 8 monday night..felt exactly the same!! A nap managed to resolve that one without a bout of puking...but im confused.. Im gonna call today and see if the meds can cause that. Weird. Id MUCH prefer to cry. MUCH prefer. Now, off to snuggle with my bulldog and take a quick nap, then clean the house since we're hosting a baby shower this weekend! yay!

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