Sunday, January 17, 2010

Im home!!

I made it, safe and sound :) I did have a rather traumatizing experience, but its all good! Denver was a BLAST and I probably should've just visited Denver and had my friend come down to hang out for a few days... But, then again, she's pregnant and has a difficult time breathing on a regular basis because of how he is positioned. Anyway, the place I visited in Nebraska was LITERALLY the middle of nowhere. 8 minutes on a dirt road to get to a paved road, then 15 minutes to get to a town - a town that had a pharmacy. Insane. The actual TOWN she is from has 202 inhabitants. Crazy!! The people were SUPER nice though and I could see the charm. Lots and lots of cows.... Oh, and did I mention there were ALOT of cows??

I spent time with my friend Sam,who lives in Denver. I met her about 6 years ago, in school, and once I recovered from my intimidation, we were fast friends. She was in my english class and the dude didnt like her - I'll never forget LOL. Anyway, Sam let me crash on her couch and monopolize her day. I drug her all over town, forced her to eat pizza buffet, skip a nap, and miss seeing her man. She did it all in good spirits though and I had a blast!! We visited Estes Park - literally, only visited. Tripped in one side of a t-shirt store and out the other.... I also got to see my friend's band play - its a new band (Saints of Taint, name leaves something to be desired...but I didnt get a choice in the matter) and it was alot of fun. Felt really really good to be back in Denver and reminded me how much I MISS that place!!

I started my 2nd round of meds - had to have them filled in Small Town, Nebraska because they werent called in @ my pharmacy here before I left. That was fun and required an almost 2 hour drive to get them. Apparently, everyone is very fertile in most towns and they dont require help. I also visited a Target in Small Town, Nebraska and managed to drown my woes in baby clothes for Wifey's baby. That always makes me smile :)

So, I took lots of pics...Enjoy :)

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