Saturday, August 8, 2009

The class.

So, we had the big scary class. Or Orientation, or 'weed out the weenies', or whatever you wanna call it. It was a big deal! We had a great time though, learned alot, and Im still terrified. We start our MAPP (Model Approach to Parenting and *something*, im guessing starts with a P) in Sept. It'll go for 10 classes, 30 hours. Then, we'll have home visits and stuff like that. its gonna be great! Im really really excited, but scared. I cant wait to see what the future brings for us :)


  1. I am excited for you! I can't wait to hear how it all goes! What an awesome journey! You guys will be great! :)

  2. I remember my days of foster family was over 2 years ago now! I just found your blog through a blog that linked to you that I found from MckMama's that was a mouthful!

    Fostering is one of the most wonderful rewarding experiences you could ever go through, I love every moment. Congratulations!
