Thursday, August 6, 2009

Up again.

This late night gig is becoming has become a habit. I cant even blame the coffee this time. I drank it early, around 10.

I want to say THANKS Tina, for your kind words. I really appreciate you taking the time out of what must be an insanely busy day to give me a pep talk. I spent today feeling very insecure and nervous, and your words helped. I also want to tell you that I cant wait to see pics of your new baby :) And Goodluck on the delivery (do you SAY Goodluck?, is that appropriate?) At any rate, Thanks again!

I emailed the social worker today and asked her if it was normal to be scared to death. She said she hasnt bitten anyone in a long time. Thank goodness she has a sense of humor. I needed that, too. She said it was perfectly normal, and all would be well :) I guess we'll know more tomorrow, after our class! Ive already dressed us in 40 different outfits...Atleast, in my head. I am trying to convince myself that I DO NOT need a new shirt. Because of my weight loss, my clothes are starting to fit slightly strange, but I think i'll be fine tomorrow. Im so nervous! I hope they dont check my fingernails...they'll think im a compulsive fingernail eater :) (Dont worry mom, i washed my hands first). Now, John's fingernails on the other hand...his might've been dirty when I attacked THEM. Only kidding :) Updates tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kerri!
    It will be great! Can't wait to hear how everything goes and watch your journey or I shall say read your journey!

    PS. Love the new design!
