Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Is it normal to blog twice in one day??

I feel compelled. The funniest most tragic thing just happened to John. He was driving home from work in his old truck. (I say old... I mean OLLLDDD..) He apparently is driving down the back road to get here, when he sees a hawk (or an owl, we arent entirely sure which) sitting on the double yellow munching away on something. Just as he passes it, the bird flies up and hits the side of his truck. He's traumatized, so he calls me to see what he should do. We decide he should go back and take a peek, maybe shoo it off the road if its still there, but it likely is just stunned, not actually harmed. He turns around to go back, and hes telling me about the situation and I hear THUMP followed by him yelling. I said uh what just happened? He screeches "IT JUST HIT ME AGAIN!" Apparently, the poor bird was only stunned long enough for John to drive back. Or, its suicidal. And now, its managed to fly into both sides of the Beast. LOL. And, it has thoroughly traumatized John. Poor guy. No good deed goes unpunished. Ill be sending his counselling bill to the department of fish and wildlife. Thanks alot, stupid bird.

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