Saturday, December 19, 2009

PEOPLE! Slow the EFF down!

Seriously? Its snowing like a crazy freak outside and people are flying on the interstate. It makes me want to V-O-M-I-T. As if the snow isnt stressful enough, please mr. jackassfastdrivingfreak SLOW DOWN. I can assure you that if you lose control of YOUR car while driving like a MORON and slide into mine, I will punch you when I get out. k.
Now, on the other hand, if you're driving like ME - slow, cautious, attentive, not texting, and you should lose control of your vehicle, different story. I can say its scary though, to lose control and slide. I did it. For about 200 feet. Sideways. With 3 cars coming at me, 2 behind me. Almost into a bridge, all while screaming "IIIMMMMMM GOOOONNANNNNNNAAANNNAAA WRREEEECCCKKKKKK" followed by hysterical crying trying to figure out if I'd messed myself. I slid, I recovered, and I made it home all in one piece (and I did not soil myself). I AM however, woman enough to admit that it was really totally scary, and I acted very girly and had to call john.
I was also driving the truck that is SUPPOSED to be 4 wheel drive but is malfunctioning (read:ice skates), poor brakes (read:slide thru tollbooth whle trying to brake), and had frozen windshield wipers 3 times on the way home (read:kerriforgottoturnthedefroston malfunctioning im sure) So there. Forecast is calling for 10-15" ive heard. Id say we've got about half that already, looking forward to what tomorrow morning holds :) Im off, so BRING ON THE SNOW!!! We're totally decorating our tree tomorrow...

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