Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The beach, recovering from my maiming, and baby Stellan, in no particular order:

First - Please pray for Baby Stellan. He needs our prayers! He is a tough spot right now, duking it out with life for a safe, slow, happy heart rate.

My elbow is nearly completely healed. Still painful, but definitely doesnt look like the elbow clap anymore. I went through a stage where I was pretty angry with it, but im over it now, for the most part. It did culture as MRSA, and the doxycycline, according to mr. Ihavecarrotredhaironmyfacesoyoucanhaveahardtimeconcentratingonwhatimsaying. (did you get all that?) will kick it the first time. He says I will not become a carrier. He gave me creme for my nose, and advised it wouldnt be a bad idea for John to do it either. If I get it again, I might go postal...or postal staph on John. LOL.

Anyway, the beach was great. I enjoyed everyones company and felt like it was something that we could do again. I do admit that I feel like a boring person when I go places like that and cannot keep myself entertained. Or I sit and wonder how everything is at home, and if my chickens miss me :( The weather was PERFECT. So perfect, in fact, that the sharks were frisky.
On Saturday, the entire day was spent either in 5 inch water, or on the beach, since the sharks were constantly being spotted. Jared was nearly eaten. We had to pull his body from the jaws of a shark...well, not really, but he was apparently only 20 feet from a shark, and the lifeguard said it was circling him. We'd been there about 45 seconds. Long enough for Jared to put his stuff down and run (baywatch style, mind you) out into the ocean! Crazy!! That sure woulda changed the tone of the vacation.
The officer that I asked about it said that apparently its shark mating season (fish mating season in general) and the waters that were murky had sharks and sting rays in them right now (Murky water -20-40ft from 5" water). He told me (amidst all the ma'ams, even though he was my age) that their concern was that the sharks, which were only surfacing enough to see their dorsal fins, were Hammerhead sharks, and apparently, they hunt in paLcks. Which I took in translation to mean: Ma'am, if you put your pasty legs and arms in the water, looking like a squid, they will eat you for an 'after friskin' snack. Uh, yeah, thankyouverymuch, Ill sit on the sand.

Ahh...the sand...
The crabs were apparently breeding too... Ive never been able to really appreciate that there were crabs in the sand. John reached into the sand and came up with yep, you guessed it, a handful of sand! 3 crabs! Yucko. Ruined for me, i tell you.
Thats it, pretty much. We didnt swim. I lost all appeal for the ocean. As far as Im concerned, you can put some sand next to my swimming pool and Ill be happy as a clam. The worst thing you have to worry about in a POOL is a stupid frog (which is STILL scary, but mostly disgusting). Ew gives me the heebie jeebies just thnking about the frogs... Anyway, thats it! Enjoy the pics!
Peace, homes!


  1. Great wouldn't think that being there (at the beach) would be so unattractive. I wouldn't care for any of that business going on.

    Glad you still had a good time!

  2. Ya know, I've never been to the beach...thanks for scaring me now! haha. Glad that you guys had fun :)
