Friday, July 17, 2009

My favorite nurse. Spider venom that maims.

My favorite nurse called this morning. Who's that?, you might ask? Well, I cant tell you. Its a mistake that I did not find out her name secret! Cant a girl just keep a few things to herself? She had all the answers to my questions this morning. Its amazing that sometimes they take F-O-R-E-V-E-R to call you back, and Ive essentially had 3 phone calls this week!,

Anyway, my dr lady says she doesnt think I should do anything different now. She wants me to continue losing weight, eating healthy and being active. She wants me to have my bloodwork rechecked one more time, likely @ my physical in Jan, and then, she'll help me get pregnant... (I mean she will help me by giving me medications, she wont actually BE there for the activities..I can see that now "ok, honey, this goes here..." umm eww and no thanks..). Im pretty stoked! My impression from the favorite nurse was that Nona felt like I was going to BE pregnant by Jan if I was not using protection. She asked twice if I wanted to get pregnant NOW. I kept explaining that we've decided to wait til the first of the year so that I can reach my weight loss goals FIRST. This has been an excellent week so far... All good news! The nurse agreed with me, btw, and said that Nona had looked at my bloodwork and agreed it was likely due to weight issues, and that my thyroid would probably be COMPLETELY normal when I reached my goal weight!
Even thought It would NOT change anything, I still cant believe that nobody has asked WHAT I am doing to lose weight. I surely will not offer up that information unless probed questioned, but I am certainly NOT ashamed of it!

OK enough boring stuff!

I was bitten by the bug. No, No, silly, NOT the Jamey bug. The SPIDER bug. Apparently, it was hanging out in my WV sweatshirt. When I put it on and went to bed, Mr. IthinkElbowslooktasty (Yes, he is related to Bob Wehadababyitsaboy) BIT ME. Yep, you guessed it. Right on the elbow. The left elbow, to be exact. Initially, it was slightly painful, slightly red, non-swollen. John made jokes at me all day about how whiny I was being. Yesterday, when I woke up, the backside of my arm was swollen with a huge knot. Now, I cant straighten my arm out all the way. I feel certain that the venom has moved into the elbow joint and could shoot to my brain at any second. I could just be typing along and BAM! I'm toast from spider venom. Wouldn't that be terrible? You people would forever be wondering what else I was thinking for today! Oh,the tragedies you would suffer at my hands!

I am opening up the floor to people who feel moved by this, and would like to step forward and volunteer to suck the venom out.

We're expecting puppies again :) Tate AND Pelo are both expecting cute little litters around mid-september. They will EACH have some adorable little puppies. (wasn't that nauseatingly cutsie?)

Im riding high for now... If only Jamey would call...


  1. Too funny!
    What are you doing to lose weight? I will be doing that exact thing in a few weeks! I've packed on the lbs with this pregnancy.

  2. You are hilarious my dear. :) You missed a good show by Randy in Louisville last night. Glad to hear that your doggie is having pups to help donate to the Jamey Johnson Concert Trust Fund...HAHA.
