Monday, July 13, 2009

My Hair dryer has ringtones. And voices.

Anytime I am in the bathroom, drying my hair, I hear people talking. I am suspicious by nature. Each time I HEAR the talking, I have to turn the hair dryer off and wait a couple seconds to be absolutely positive there are not strange people invading my house. Sometimes, the hair dryer likes to do something different. It plays ringtones. Then, I have to turn the hair dryer off, and wait to be sure my phone isnt ringing. Or, go and find my phone to be SURE I havent missed a call.

Why dont I just ignore it? Well, occasionally, I will ignore these things, only to find that I HAVE missed a call, or the mailman is at my door. I think the hair dryer is trying to run me crazy.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are almost crazy and the hairdryer is just pushing you over the edge:)! Or you are wishing sooooooo much that i would call that you cant help yourself!Which one is it?
