Monday, March 30, 2009

Ramblings of the 3am blogger...

The puppies went into the vet this weekend to get checked out. Unfortunately, Tate has a hard time minding her manners and has spent a large majority of her recent 2 weeks eating trash. This has induced "garbage gut" in the cute little puppies and has resulted in diarrhea. Puppy diarrhea is NOT good as the small bodies can very easily become dehydrated and die. The good news is that OUR puppies seem to be holding their own despite the rhea. The large majority of puppies weighed in at around 3# each. The smallest was about 2.5# and 2 larger puppies were almost 3.5#. Very happy with that weight gain! Tate is doing a phenomenal job (atleast at feeding) to have 8 puppies all right around the same weight. The pups are extremely mobile already, and are practicing their vicious dog barks and running. It is VERY cute.

John and I have decided to keep one puppy back for evaluation. I, personally, am already quite smitten with her. We've chosen a name already - Fern. This is in rememberance of her grandma and also ties her to her grandpa. Little Fern looks very similar to Ann at THIS point, and we only hope that she can be as intelligent as her grandma was(Kistle sure is!). Lil Fern planted roots in MY heart today when she peed on John's chest. This happened to be one of the funniest things Ive seen in a LONG time. I laughed uproariously for a long time (much to John's chagrin, mind you). Here is a pic of lil Fern, not quite 2 weeks old... We're hoping her nose goes all liver..

I have big plans for the upcoming few weeks. I ordered some equipment last week to help me get started in bird dog training. I am buying 3 dogs from a man in KY and plan to train them (fatten them up & socialize them) and rehome them. This may absolutely be a horrible idea, but atleast I can try! I am sincerely hoping to enlist the help of both Wifey & my dad. I think both are very intelligent, smart, intelligent, smart, intelligent (ok, im TRYING to butter them up, but im out of bread, I think) individuals who could teach both myself and the dogs something. My equipment gets here tomorrow, and then I have to enlist John to build me a quail coop (is it really called a quail coop? IDK!) and find some quail! My friend Matt said he'd trim the quails' flight feathers on one wing so they cant completely fly away, and we're in business! Looking very forward to getting not only the new dogs, but my OWN dogs out in the field!

This past Friday was John & I's anniversary. Five long years! We decided instead of going to a fancy dinner, we'd just go to Lowes & get some home improvement stuff. I picked up our gallon of paint for the previously painted orange room and convinced John to paint with me :) (No small feat, I can assure you). It took us until 1 something (am!) to finish the room, but it looks fabulous!

Work was fairly busy this weekend, and one super sweet kitty got my heart. Say your kitty prayers for little Catfish as he struggles to get better. He is very old, very skinny, and his electrolytes are NOT ok... That said, he spent the ENTIRE time purring and trying to make biscuits. And he has gorgeous green eyes. Lets hope he does well or is pain free during his struggle for life..

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yep, Im pretty sure

My heart is broken. Im angry, and Im sad, and im embarrassed. Im sad because I feel like I messed up, and this could've been prevented--somehow. Im angry because the driver didnt stop to tell us, he just let our poor girl lay out there in the road, cold and alone and broken. Im embarrassed because MY dog got hit. Me, the person who works in this profession. And my heart is broken. I have malicious thoughts about every truck driver. Im scared to look down the road past my driveway in case I see some sort of something that looks like it could BE from her... Im afraid to look past the tree to see the grass messed up. Im sad. I miss her. I didnt appreciate her enough, and now its too late. Ive looked for her bouncing up the stairs, cuddling (with her butt on johns pillow) on the bed, staring at me from under the table.. It seems so unreal, like it didnt really any moment she will come back. Ive thought of a thousand different ways it could've gone... She NEVER went to the road! Why this time? What changed? Man, im sad.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

RIP Little Ann

So earlier today, I made some flip comment about our weekend being uneventful. Clearly, that needed to change. Tonight, we lost our girl Ann. She is a fence jumper. We know this. Usually, she runs into the neighbors backyard to play with their dogs. Tonight, she deviated. John and I were inside and went to check on her. Called and called from the back porch and got nothing. He suddenly became strangely quiet, so i went to check on him. There he was, in the road, with our broken little Ann. All life had already passed and it was extremely clear it was very very fast. For that, we are thankful. I could not have handled making the decision to euthanize will being aware that she was in agony. I am still in shock. Our little Ann. We drove across the country - 20 hours, to pick her up in all her white glory. She spent her first hours with us chewing John's ears and harassing Dan. She taught us so much. We loved her so much. Every day, she would bounce inside, only to cuddle up to me and take a nap. No dog will ever be Ann. Rip Little girl, we miss you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

An uneventful (thankfully) series of days...

For the most part, not much has gone on (except my Jamey Johnson tickets!). The weekend was fairly busy at work, with not much ado. I did rescue a boxer puppy that later died. He presented to us with difficulty breathing and pain. His owners couldnt afford his treatment - not even his xrays, so I offered them relinquishment (is that a word?). They readily signed him over to give him the chance of survival. When I snapped his xrays, I initially thought he had cancer. His lungs were full of pea sized hazy areas, often referred to as "mets" - which usually means the cancer, from somewhere else, has metastasized to the lungs. It is VERY unusual to see a cancer in a puppy THIS young, even if it was a boxer. Around the same time that my head was processing all of this, Dr L calls over the phone and says its kibble - The puppy had literally aspirated his food. He had a belly full of the same sized hazy spots... I was just missing them because I was so stuck on cancer...Very bad! The most HUMANE thing for him to do was to be euthanized, so we did. Poor puppy...

Then, Sunday night, I got off just slightly early and went to take a nap because I had to go get my Jamey Johnson tickets! I got up at 4 and went to the Inlaws house, and she drove me to Spindale...2 hours away...and we sat in line for several hours... It paid off though! I got 5th row tickets! Yay! Cant wait! Anyway, thats all! Peace out homies - K

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Canine Catastrophe #1000

OK, so apparently, 2009 the year of bad animal problems. It is UNREAL.

Yesterday, a friend of ours called and their friends cat was lying around, meowing, posturing in the litter box but producing nothing, after being gone for 24 hours. I tried to explain he was blocked, but they just weren't sure, and had no money. They brought him over to check him, and sure enough he was. Their plan was to take them to a regular vet today, since they could NOT afford the ER bill (who can, really?). So, by the time our "company" left, most of the evening was burned up and well into the early morning. Husband and I straightened some things up and headed for bed. I checked the puppies, and noticed one tail looked swollen. I didnt really think all THAT much about it. After I'd been in bed about 20 minutes, Tate smooshed one and it started crying. I went to check it, and noticed that ALL the tails were swollen, some were purple, some were black already, and some had pus coming out. I FREAKED OUT. Called work. I was advised to bring them in.

I got there around 2:30. (A.M, mind you!) We worked on tails until just before 5. Poor was horrible. I was an emotional wreck. I could barely restrain them for all the shaking I was doing... Dr L was wonderful, and helped to calm me down by being logical. Very important, when all the bad things that COULD be happening are running through my head. All caused because the sutures were just a little too tight! Its unreal! For now, the disaster is avoided, although some pups will have shorter tails! Poor little kids!

Wonder what Canine Catastrophe #1001 will be?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patricks Day!

Just wanted to say Happy St Patty's day to everyone!

To reward Angus for his previous horrible experience, I bought him a St Patty's day outfit. Here are the pics!

This holiday invariably makes me think of a funny story about a lady I once knew. She was quite cooky, and had the hots for the dr I was working for at the time. (I say for the dr, but I think reality was she was a slut hooker cheap hussy floozy, and had the hots for ALL men) She would bring her old pit bull into be examined, and would be wearing some sort of either see through dress or short skirt to be sure and offer a good view of her undergarments. I have a bad BAD habit of finding other peoples' social discomfort hilarious and relished the opportunity to stare at the 2 of them during these events. Anyway, I digress. One afternoon, while I was doing the receptionist like duties, and the horrible, unfriendly, pit viper of a Office manager was doing her office manager like duties, the bell rang. In she walks. Im behind a counter, so I am only able to see her from approx the belly button up. She starts gushing at me, as was her way (and I kept thnking of the O.M's joke- "Coffee, tea, or me", probably the only funny thing she ever said) and I was trying to be polite, yet get her out as quickly as possible. She keeps on asking where the dr was, and I was still trying to hurry her. I cut my eyes over to OM and she has this look of hysterical laughter, and her mouth is covered. Now, I think she's amused at MY discomfort, so made a mental note to tell her off as soon as possible. I go through the desk opening to grab floozy's product, and I happen to see what she is wearing. Now, mind you, its St Patty's day. She has a black dress (not knee length, either) and she is wearing white tights covered with GINORMOUS red lips. I LOST it. I couldnt quit laughing. Inappropriate laughter has always been a problem for me, I think its hereditary. She says what? I thought it was Valentines day, took her product and left. LOL. How do you mistake VALENTINES DAY for ST PATTY'S DAY!? Funniest thing I think ever happened to me there...
Idk, maybe you had to be there??

Monday, March 16, 2009

Puppy tails..

So, our new dr at the ER clinic rocks the house. I asked her if she did puppy tails, and her answer was this hesitant yes, followed by "but Im a bit of a perfectionist". I was immediately in love with her. For those of you who KNOW, the puppy tails are a constant source of anxiety with every litter. I anguish over who should cut them, will they be long enough, WHERE to make the cut.. its a HUGE deal and I usually lose 10 lbs in sweating out my anxiety. So, she immmediately got elected to do it!

Last night we took the pups in, got everyone shaved & measured, and she docked them. She did a fabulous job, and it was the most bloodless group of tails Ive ever seen (sorry, kinda gross, but they bleed alot as babies, it just clots faster, I was told its called "fetal blood", and its a safety mechanism) The tails look fabulous, the puppies were happy about 2 seconds after the last suture, and everyone went away content. It DID take 2 hours..but Im so glad she was willing to do it! (Especially since the fabulous Dr E was a chicken about the whole thing,and politely maintained his refusal or avoidance of the whole subject,lol) Anyway, Im happy! Yay!

We had a CE for work yesterday, that Wifey and I attended, and I tell ya..There was ALOT of information there, but I could hardly keep my eyes open. The lack of sleep rapidly caught up with me, and there were a couple gigglig incidents from my wifey neighbor that had me concered that I had let out a snore.. I tried to convince her to put a pen in my eye to hold my lids up, but she was very non-commital on this. However, I made it through and even took some good information home.

Oh, and the day wouldnt be complete without some sort of dog disaster. I was cooking dinner last night, in preperation for taking the puppies in, and I look outside at the dogs. Angus is standing on the porch hunched up, looking mighty painful. I tapped the glass and he swung around JUST enough for me to see he had penal prolapse. So, I freaked out. Usually, Ive seen this with chihuahua's who are packing penis' the SIZE of Angus', but I havent seen it so much in big dogs. It usually isnt all that fun either, an incision has to be made in the sheath, and the penis is returned to inside land where it belongs. I wasnt sure that I could EMOTIONALLY or FINANCIALLY handle yet another procedure, or bill, or anesthesia on Angus. So, I called work. I was advised to put sugar on it.. LOL. So, in the midst of me cooking, we laid angus down, slathered him in mineral oil, and then poured sugar on like we were making candy. A few minutes later, VOILA. Penis disappeared. YAY! Angus was fairly certain this was horrible, and spent several minutes staring at the area, trying to decide if mineral oil & sugar were edible. Quite disgusting. So, he got a free car ride too, and had to be flushed out really well to prevent a sugary infection. Yuck!

At any rate, going to lunch today with Dr. E & wifey...I tried to convince them to go to Donovan's but they seem a little unsure... LOL

So, I tried to upload some pics of the puppy tails but the pic uploader isnt working... I'll try again lter.. Peace out for now homies! -k

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Tate started having puppies around 3am on Friday the 13th (insert scary music here). She clearly didnt read the delivery manual, because she marched to the beat of her own delivery drum for the entire thing. Each puppy, initially, had about an hour and ten minutes between them. Finally, she got into the swing of things and was delivering about every 40 minutes... Could be that she also was noticing me nodding off and drooling at the edge of the whelping box, and she was concerned for her puppies safety (they are way too young to swim yet). Ive had extremely broken sleep for the past 48 hours and Im still exhausted. I cant imagine how the poor dog feels after pushing 8 puppies out. She seems to be resting fairly comfortably, and so far hasnt smooshed any babies to death.

Here is my scolding for the day. Are people reading my blog? Then leave a comment! I have no way to track whos reading, who likes, who doesnt like, nothing! I said I wasnt going to care, but I DO! Please, leave a comment occasionally :) If all 3 of you get together, you can rotate out who leaves one each time... I think its a great idea! Anyway, Im adding some puppy pics, enjoy :) -k

Thursday, March 12, 2009

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!

So, a friend of mine directed me to this article online. I planned to just paste it here, but at the bottom it says it CANNOT BE REPRODUCED, so Im not entirely sure I CAN post it here... Since its clear that WXII reads my blog, I wouldnt want to get in trouble :)

Anyway, turns out that Hollywood Hollow was charged almost $55,000 for the people that were there over the fire code. I imagine they are NOT happy campers right about now.. It makes me kinda feel sorry for them, especially since the incident was due to fradulent tickets. Hate that for them. So glad I made it into the concert though... Once that started, it was fantastic!

Here is the link:

Read all about it!

Still waiting on Tate to have her puppies.
I 'met' a lady online that sld me the batteries at the JJ concert.. Shes a vet tech too! Couldnt believe it! I also MIGHT've convinced wifey to go to the JJ concert in Spindale instead of Husband. I also made a special (secret) T-shirt for the next concert. Cant wait to get it! Yay! Peace out homies---k

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Still waiting...

So, Im still waiting on the endocrinologist to call me with my bloodwork results. I had the tests drawn on Thursday, and I KNOW they are already whats the deal-e-o? Really? Does he not get that Im about to have a stroke over this issue? Probably not.. its amazing to me how easy it is to forget that you are dealing wtih real people, and emotions, in the medical field. It is so easy to just let the person become another job, rather than an individual.
He's already told me that we cannot try for a baby (or should not, rather) for 6 months, atleast... lets get this show on the road PLEASE!! For crying out loud!

Still waiting on the puppies... Tate is miserable, barely eating, temp is hovering around 99. That isnt a SIGNIFICANT drop quite yet, but im hopeful that we'll have pups by work time Thursday... Otherwise, I will be one very distracted individual all weekend..

Going to the next Jamey Johnson concert...its in April... Yay!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Not ME Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Alright, here goes nothing

I did not become completely mortified because I had to discuss bowel movements with the endocrinologist. I did not then turn every shade of red possible in front of him. I did not repeat the same action when he saw my neck (after husband had gotten ahold of it) and had examine it closely. Not me!

I did not sneak and eat Japanese food. I would NEVER do such a thing since husband and I have agreed not to eat out. I did not also order an egg roll, since that would REALLY be over doing it.

I did not even entertain the idea that perhaps rana would only need a couple weeks of fluconazole, since it is $200 for her extended prescription.

I did not throw elbows at the concert to prevent people from blocking my view. I did not relish the thought of a good fight...Not me! That would be HORRIBLE! I did not worry that husband would get his butt kicked, and skip the confrontation...Not even possible, he is VERY tough...I would never think such a thing!
I did not still end up working 33 some ours after missing a 12 hour shift...Not me! That would be TOO MUCH WORK in 3 days!

I did not consider asking husband to PLEASE REFRAIN from posing with me in the Jamey Johnson picture... Nope, united front we are :)
I did not consider skipping the continuing education on Sunday and going to another JameyJohnson concert...that would be stalkerish! I would never do such a thing!

And last but not least, I did not forget to return the drug keys back to the dr, only to find them in my pocket when I finally was ready to get in the bed at 6:20am. Nope, I would NEVER do such a thing! That would mean husband had to drive into town before going to work! Insane!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Jamey Johnson (& the endocrinologist)

When I went to blog about the concert today, since Im totally stoked from it, I remembered I never shared the endocrinologist story.

First things first, right?

So, on Thursday, around 10, the office of endocrinologists calls and wants me to arrive around 1. I'd be seeing a different dr than I was normally scheduled for, but WHO CARES? So, I met my dr. Dr. N. He is about as hyperthyroid looking as it gets. Approx 8 ft tall and 47lbs, give or takea few. Very very nice, but he seems to struggle with being a genious. Like, perhaps, its very difficult to bring it down a level. He was slightly funny, however. He suggested that all their office pictures came from goodwill... Funny. Anyway, he felt up my neck, asked a bunch of questions ( a few made me blush) and then sent me off for bloodwork. He feels like its probably Hashimotos disease, and was shocked that mom isnt also afflicted with it, since its typically carried from mother to daughter. Sometime early next week he should get my results (since apparently they did not come back on Friday, like he suggested) and I'll start on meds. Yay! He did say it could be 6-9 months before we can resume trying to get pregnant. Oh well..

OK, so on to the concert... It was INSANE!!

We had to drive 1 1/2 hours to get there, down every winding back road that stokes county has. It was an obstacle course of sharp turns and deer. We finally get there, and the place is this massive looking barn type dig, with HUGE fields to park in. We were about 30 minutes early for seating to start, and we got in line. At this point, there were probably 100 people, maybe 150 people in line. By the time we actually GOT in the door, there were probably 500 people behind us. The line stretched ALLLLLLLL the way into this other was crazy! HOW many people can this place hold!? So, we beelined it for the stage, and got a spot right beside the speakers, which was a direct view of what would soon be mr. hottie mchott hott himself. We had GREAT seats (or, would you say great Stand?) all through the opening band.. Got some great shots, and they did a great job. They covered Seven Bridges road and Hillbilly shoes back to back...Very excited! So, at the end of their songs, the owner comes up on stage and says he is sorry, a large number of counterfeit tickets were sold, and the fire marshall was shuttin em down, and everyone had to leave the building, and be counted before it was even POSSIBLE for Jamey to come on stage... Ok, so first we thought he was kidding, then decided he MUST be smoking crack.. then realized he was quite serious..So, outside we went..into this mad mob of people. We just tucked right into the front and waited. Everyone was screaming and yelling and was crazy. Finally, the fire marshall opened the door, and started letting people in... Walmart christmas door busters had NOTHING on this... We made it in, and got ALMOST as good a spot as before. Turns out, over 200 people had to be turned away! I cannot imagine the anger. The cops said they HAD to refund money because there was going to be a riot. People were FURIOUS.
Ok, so He, Jamey freaking Johnson, FINALLY can come out...and next thing I know, a cop says excuse meplease, and he walks right by us... Right between the speakers and our bodies... Incredible! He put on a fantastic show. Started playing at 11...played until a little after 2 (which then became 3 becasuse of daylight savings..) went into his bus for about 15 minutes, then came back out and signed autographs into the wee hours.. (or maybe, wee-er hours) of the morning. He signed my CD booklet, and also stood and took a picture with us. Fabulous! He was EXTREMELY down to earth and VERY funny... I will go see him again, and I was very impressed... Alright, enough of that, here are pics!

He is very intense... Words cannot describe the emotions that play on his face when he signs his songs..

He was mad at the fire marshall..

This picture cracks me up, it was an OOPS by his road manager guy.. and Jamey laughed and said something like 'did you just take a picture of my...' (and kinda let the sentence drop..) I had NO idea he actually DID take that EXACT picture until we got to the car... LOL

John was lucky I let him in the picture.. It was an incredible moment.. His armpit was touching me! LOL

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rana Roo **Update**

Keep praying for baby Jonah!

So, Since I posted this, I found out that Rana ACTUALLY has fungal meningitis, and the dr believes she has likely been harboring the organisms for a very long time. He believes she would not be responding so well to such a high fever if she hasnt been dealing with it on some level over her entire life. Interesting, huh? Now, we can to search for medications in Canada, cause the drug she needs to be on is VERY expensive!! Anyhow, keep well wishing :) -k

Rana isnt doing too well. Shes been at the ER clinic since Thursday, and her temp is still spiking. Today, they are doing a spinal tap to try and rule out fungal vs auto immune vs bacteria. Her urine culture came back NEGATIVE for any bacteria, which is pretty stunning. We really were banking on her have some sort of infection. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed!

On the upside, Tate had her 2nd (and final) xray and showed 8 puppies... There could be more, but hopefully its JUST 8 :) We're gonna have our hands FULL!

Enjoy the day homies! -k

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Snow dogs & the endocrinologist

OK, so lets start with the worst (is worst actually a word??) part... The office of the endocrinologist called this a.m to reschedule my appt. Surely she must've known she was only moments away from ruining my day and sending me on a downward spiral, because she was rather chipper. The earliest appt they can schedule for me is April second! Thats another full month away. I handled the first month out appt well, because I can be patient ONCE.. Now, I might have to scream and act foolish. She said, in the ever chipper voice, that I would be added to the cancellation list, and that is updated daily. They would be SURE to call me as SOON as there was a cancellation. By this point, I had resorted to monotone responses. Then, I tried to correct my last name (from my maiden name to married name) and that almost kicked the chipper right out of her... She was really confused for a second and then said something like OH you got married? OK, well, bring us your new insurance card when you come in and we'll switch it over. I said, I got married 5 years ago, there isnt an OLD insurance card, its my ONLY insurance card with my correct name on it... "OHH" (squeal-ish girl voice) "I seeeee" (high pitched again) "well bring your new insurance card when you come and we'll get that fixed right up". me- "Ok, great, thanks" (flat, monotone). Clearly, she didnt get it. Oh well. She was nice atleast :)

So then I took all the dogs outside today to play and look cute in the snow so I could take some fabulous pictures (snow is a perfect backdrop). I wore crocs, no socks...since I had NO intention of getting IN the snow... I was fairly certain I could hop from one grassy area to the next. I took about 200 pictures of them playing and acting foolish. Then, Dan got fed up with Slim barking and jumped him. They of course, couldnt fight on a grassy area...they HAD to be in the deepest snow possible. So while they are trying to rip each others throats out and there is wailing and gnashing of teeth, Im running through the yard screaming (picture pajamas and camera in hand) and filling my crocs up with snow. In the mean time, the defender of justice, vicious killer pitbull #1, jumps in and is chewing everyones ears off! It was completely ridiculous and all over nothing! Once they finally stopped, I had to beeline it inside to get the snow from my toes before I got frost bite and had them removed. By that point, I was over --way over-- the picture taking and sent everyone into their kennels to sleep. Oh well, I TRIED! And I did get some great pictures! Enjoy :) Im off to clean litterboxes! - k

Monday, March 2, 2009

The endocrinologist...


Hope that doesnt mean I'll have to wait another month now.. Since THEY were the ones that closed... The decision was taken out of my hands, so im quite relieved! Husband was the only person at work this morning when he got there...maybe his place will be closed and he can come home early! Anyhow, be sure to read the OTHER post for today :) The one from the wee hours... Enjoy the snow (or weather where you are)

Peace out homies!! ~k

Randomness from the sleep deprived...

First--I would like to ask everyone to pray for baby Jonah. He is struggling with a rare disease and needs everyones help! Please visit his blog via the link above. He is a precious baby and deserves his shot at this crazy world! Our thoughts and prayers are certainly with him and his family during this difficult, stressful time.

Ok, this picture is actually snow in Denver, but im much to sleepy to upload the pics from tonight
We're getting snow. Lots of snow. Approx 4" has fallen since around 2pm. Doesnt sound like much, but this IS NC after all, not Colorado - 4 inches practically shuts the state down. I will say, however, for the most part, there is no need for the north carolina snow to be referred to as "idiot flakes", as we so commonly did in Denver... If a SINGLE flake was spat from the sky, people started driving like there was 30 feet of snow! Only, everyones technique varied.. They were either the "2mph so that I may assess the number of flakes" driver, or the "im 4x4 here me roar" driver. It was completely ridiculous. Especially considering it snows ALL THE TIME!! And, to boot, the snow usually only hangs around for a short while! Oh well, we always said it was job security for husband!

Its 3am and I cant sleep. Im supposed to be going to the endocrinologist later today, but husband said the risk isnt worth the benefit. Even if NOT going means I have to wait another month. The roads are really bad out our way, and we're unsure as to how much scraping/maintenence we'll be recieving, since it IS the boondocks :) Since he has to work, there is no way he can drive me, which will be setting me loose, in a stick shift, on slick roads... I think it sounds scary, but it must be REALLY scary for HUSBAND to be concerned!

His new job is fabulous. So far, its all we hoped for and more... All we prayed for, all we wished for, and exactly what we needed. I am so thankful that I saw it on the internet and emailed his resume for him he applied for the job! Funny how things work out!

We went grocery shopping saturday.. First time we've actually stocked the fridge since moving in... Yes, that IS sad... Six months with only minimal groceries is actually quite ridiculous. We just really couldnt afford to SHOP like we needed to.. so we opted not to.

Rana is doing better today, although she had a fairly rough weekend. She urinated outside saturday afternoon, and expelled a large amount of green pus with the urine. Quite alarming. As of 4am Sunday, I was convinced we were going to lose her. Her temp had spiked up to 105.8 and she looked horrible. She hadnt been on any IV fluids at that point, and dr M decided to give her a few more hours before we started, in hopes her temp would decrease on her own. By lunch time Sunday, still no decrease, so they started her on fluids. When I got into work at 5, her temp was down to 102.9, and continued to decrease, reaching, finally, 101.4. She was not responding at all to her original antibiotics so Dr S changed her to 2 much stronger antibiotics, and we are culturing her urine to be sure that she isnt somehow also affected/effected by MRSA. Seems sorta coinkydink-ish for husband to carry, Ruckus to carry, and now Rana has some sort of odd-ball infection, with unknown bacteria. All will be well, I am sure. She is way too naughty to give out from a little infection!

I think sleep has finally found me, and Im off to snuggle with my very warm husband :)