Wednesday, March 25, 2009

RIP Little Ann

So earlier today, I made some flip comment about our weekend being uneventful. Clearly, that needed to change. Tonight, we lost our girl Ann. She is a fence jumper. We know this. Usually, she runs into the neighbors backyard to play with their dogs. Tonight, she deviated. John and I were inside and went to check on her. Called and called from the back porch and got nothing. He suddenly became strangely quiet, so i went to check on him. There he was, in the road, with our broken little Ann. All life had already passed and it was extremely clear it was very very fast. For that, we are thankful. I could not have handled making the decision to euthanize will being aware that she was in agony. I am still in shock. Our little Ann. We drove across the country - 20 hours, to pick her up in all her white glory. She spent her first hours with us chewing John's ears and harassing Dan. She taught us so much. We loved her so much. Every day, she would bounce inside, only to cuddle up to me and take a nap. No dog will ever be Ann. Rip Little girl, we miss you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very sorry to hear this sis. I hope you and John are doing ok! I'll see you this Sunday hopefully when I head home. Love ya.
